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QUERY: Structure Author = "Johnson, C.H." | MyPDB Login | Search API |
Search Summary | This query matches 5 Structures. |
Structure Determination MethodologyScientific Name of Source OrganismTaxonomyExperimental MethodPolymer Entity TypeRefinement Resolution (Å)Release DateEnzyme Classification NameSymmetry TypeSCOP Classification | 1 to 5 of 5 Structures Page 1 of 1 Sort by
Crystal Structure of Circadian Clock Protein KaiCPattanayek, R., Wang, J., Mori, T., Xu, Y., Johnson, C.H., Egli, M. (2004) Mol Cell 15: 375-388
Crystal Structure of Circadian Clock Protein KaiC with Phosphorylation SitesXu, Y., Mori, T., Pattanayek, R., Pattanayek, S., Egli, M., Johnson, C.H. (2004) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 101: 13933-13938
Crystal Structure of Full Length Circadian Clock Protein KaiC with Phosphorylation SitesPattanayek, R., Williams, D.R., Pattanayek, S., Xu, Y., Mori, T., Johnson, C.H., Stewart, P.L., Egli, M. (2006) EMBO J 25: 2017-2028
Crystal structure of the phosphorylation-site double mutant S431E/T432E of the KaiC circadian clock proteinPattanayek, R., Williams, D.W., Rossi, G., Weigand, S., Mori, T., Johnson, C.H., Stewart, P.L., Egli, M. (2011) PLoS One 6: e23697-e23697
Crystal Structure of Circadian Clock Protein KaiC E318A MutantEgli, M., Mori, T., Pattanayek, R., Xu, Y., Qin, X., Johnson, C.H. (2012) Biochemistry 51: 1547-1558
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