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QUERY: Citation Author = "Kashino, Y." | MyPDB Login | Search API |
Search Summary | This query matches 7 Structures. |
Structure Determination MethodologyScientific Name of Source OrganismTaxonomyExperimental MethodPolymer Entity TypeRefinement Resolution (Å)Release DateEnzyme Classification NameMembrane Protein AnnotationSymmetry Type | 1 to 7 of 7 Structures Page 1 of 1 Sort by
Structure of C2S2-type PSII-FCPII supercomplex from diatomNagao, R., Kato, K., Shen, J.R., Miyazaki, N., Akita, F. (2019) Nat Plants 5: 890-901
Structure of C2S1M1-type PSII-FCPII supercomplex from diatomNagao, R., Kato, K., Shen, J.R., Miyazaki, N., Akita, F. (2019) Nat Plants 5: 890-901
Structure of C2S2M2-type PSII-FCPII supercomplex from diatomNagao, R., Kato, K., Shen, J.R., Miyazaki, N., Akita, F. (2019) Nat Plants 5: 890-901
Structure of the peripheral FCPI from diatomNagao, R., Kato, K., Miyazaki, N., Akita, F., Shen, J.R. (2020) Nat Commun
Structure of the far-red light utilizing photosystem I of Acaryochloris marinaKawakami, K., Yonekura, K., Hamaguchi, T., Kashino, Y., Shinzawa-Itoh, K., Inoue-Kashino, N., Itoh, S., Ifuku, K., Yamashita, E. (2021) Nat Commun 12: 2333-2333
Far-red light-harvesting complex of Antarctic alga Prasiola crispaKosugi, M., Kawasaki, M., Shibata, Y., Moriya, T., Adachi, N., Senda, T. (2023) Nat Commun 14: 730-730
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