Structure Determination Methodology Scientific Name of Source Organism More...
Refinement Resolution (Å) Enzyme Classification Name Membrane Protein Annotation -- Tabular Report -- Entry IDs Create Custom Report Structure Sequence Ligand Oligosaccharide Structural Genomics Center Primary Citation Biological Details Sequence Clusters Binding Affinity Crystallization Data Collection Refinement Refinement Parameters Unit Cell NMR Representative Model NMR Spectrometer NMR Sample Conditions NMR Refinement NMR Ensemble NMR Software EM Structure
Tereshko, V. , Wilds, C.J. , Minasov, G. , Prakash, T.P. , Maier, M.A. , Howard, A. , Wawrzak, Z. , Manoharan, M. , Egli, M.
(2001) Nucleic Acids Res 29 : 1208-1215
Released 2001-04-04 Method X-RAY DIFFRACTION 1.6 Å
Macromolecule Unique Ligands BA
Pan, B. , Xiong, Y. , Shi, K. , Deng, J. , Sundaralingam, M.
(2003) Structure 11 : 815-823
Released 2003-08-05 Method X-RAY DIFFRACTION 1.4 Å
Macromolecule Unique Ligands BA , NA
Cardin, C.J. , Gan, Y. , Thorpe, J.H. , Teixeira, S.C.M. , Gale, B.C. , Moraes, M.I.A.
To be published
Released 2003-10-21 Method X-RAY DIFFRACTION 1.4 Å
Macromolecule Unique Ligands BA
Valls, N. , Steiner, R.A. , Wright, G. , Murshudov, G.N. , Subirana, J.A.
(2005) J Biol Inorg Chem 10 : 476-482
Released 2005-07-19 Method X-RAY DIFFRACTION 1.4 Å
Macromolecule Unique Ligands A4L , BA , CO
Valls, N. , Steiner, R.A. , Wright, G. , Murshudov, G.N. , Subirana, J.A.
(2005) J Biol Inorg Chem 10 : 476-482
Released 2005-07-19 Method X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2 Å
Macromolecule Unique Ligands AN9 , BA , CO , NA
Egli, M. , Minasov, G. , Tereshko, V. , Pallan, P.S. , Teplova, M. , Inamati, G.B. , Lesnik, E.A. , Owens, S.R. , Ross, B.S. , Prakash, T.P. , Manoharan, M.
(2005) Biochemistry 44 : 9045-9057
Released 2005-06-28 Method X-RAY DIFFRACTION 1.6 Å
Macromolecule Unique Ligands BA
Pelletier, H. , Sawaya, M.R.
(1996) Biochemistry 35 : 12778-12787
Released 1996-11-15 Method X-RAY DIFFRACTION 3.2 Å
Organisms Macromolecule Unique Ligands BA
Pelletier, H. , Sawaya, M.R.
(1996) Biochemistry 35 : 12778-12787
Released 1996-11-15 Method X-RAY DIFFRACTION 3 Å
Organisms Macromolecule Unique Ligands BA
Salisbury, S.A. , Wilson, S.E. , Powell, H.R. , Kennard, O. , Lubini, P. , Sheldrick, G.M. , Escaja, N. , Alazzouzi, E. , Grandas, A. , Pedroso, E.
(1997) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 94 : 5515-5518
Released 1997-06-11 Method X-RAY DIFFRACTION 1.1 Å
Macromolecule Unique Ligands BA , NA
Zhou, T. , Hamer, D.H. , Hendrickson, W.A. , Sattentau, Q.J. , Kwong, P.D.
(2005) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 102 : 14575-14580
Released 2005-09-20 Method X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.8 Å
Organisms Macromolecule Unique Ligands BA , TRS
Schindelin, H. , Tian, G.
(2006) Cell 124 : 61-73
Released 2006-01-24 Method X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.4 Å
Organisms Macromolecule Unique Ligands BA , GOL
Abbott, R.J.M. , Spendlove, I. , Roversi, P. , Teriete, P. , Knott, V. , Handford, P.A. , McDonnell, J.M. , Lea, S.M.
(2007) J Biol Chem 282 : 22023
Released 2006-10-18 Method X-RAY DIFFRACTION 1.9 Å
Organisms Macromolecule Unique Ligands BA , CA , CAC
Graille, M. , Baltaze, J.-P. , Leulliot, N. , Liger, D. , Quevillon-Cheruel, S. , van Tilbeurgh, H.
(2006) J Biol Chem 281 : 30175-30185
Released 2006-07-12 Method X-RAY DIFFRACTION 1.62 Å
Organisms Macromolecule Unique Ligands BA , TA6
Okazaki, S. , Suzuki, A. , Komeda, H. , Asano, Y. , Yamane, T.
(2007) J Mol Biol 368 : 79-91
Released 2006-05-09 Method X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.4 Å
Organisms Macromolecule Unique Ligands BA , DPN
Juan, E.C.M. , Kondo, J. , Ito, T. , Ueno, Y. , Matsuda, A. , Takenaka, A.
(2007) Nucleic Acids Res 35 : 1969-1977
Released 2007-04-17 Method X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.3 Å
Macromolecule Unique Ligands BA , CMY , NA