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QUERY: Chemical ID(s) = GET | MyPDB Login | Search API |
Search Summary | This query matches 17 Structures. |
Structure Determination MethodologyScientific Name of Source OrganismTaxonomyExperimental MethodPolymer Entity TypeRefinement Resolution (Å)Release DateEnzyme Classification NameSymmetry TypeSCOP Classification | 1 to 17 of 17 Structures Page 1 of 1 Sort by
Crystal structure of geneticin bound to the eubacterial 16S rRNA A site(2003) J Mol Biol 326: 1175-1188
Crystal structure determination of T. brucei ornithine decarboxylase bound to D-ornithine and to G418Jackson, L.K., Goldsmith, E.J., Phillips, M.A. (2003) J Biol Chem 278: 22037-22043
Crystal structure of the bacterial A1408G-mutant and the protozoa cytoplasmic ribosomal decoding site in complex with geneticin(2012) Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 51: 465-468
Crystal structure of geneticin bound to the leishmanial rRNA A-siteShalev, M., Kondo, J., Adir, N., Baasov, T. (2013) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 110: 13333-13338
Crystal structure of the bacterial A1408C-mutant ribosomal decoding site in complex with geneticinTo be published
Crystal structure of Geneticin bound to the yeast 80S ribosomeGarreau de Loubresse, N., Prokhorova, I., Yusupova, G., Yusupov, M. (2014) Nature 513: 517-522
APH(2")-IVa in complex with GET (G418) at room temperatureKaplan, E., Guichou, J.F., Berrou, K., Chaloin, L., Leban, N., Lallemand, P., Barman, T., Serpersu, E.H., Lionne, C. (2016) Biochim Biophys Acta 1860: 802-813
Crystal structure of geneticin (G418) bound to the yeast 80S ribosomeProkhorova, I., Djumagulov, M., Urzhumtsev, A., Yusupov, M., Yusupova, G. (2017) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 114: E10899-E10908
Crystal structure of a methyltransferase involved in the biosynthesis of gentamicin in complex with the GeneticinBury, P., Huang, F., Leadlay, P., Dias, M.V.B. (2017) ACS Chem Biol 12: 2779-2787
Crystal structure of the Homo Sapiens cytoplasmic ribosomal decoding site in complex with G418Kanazawa, H., Tsurumi, N., Kondo, J. To be published
Crystal structure of the Homo Sapiens cytoplasmic ribosomal decoding site in complex with G418 (P21212 form)Kanazawa, H., Tsurumi, N., Kondo, J. To be published
Crystal structure of the bacterial A1408me1A-mutant ribosomal decoding site in complex with geneticinKanazawa, H., Baba, F., Koganei, M., Kondo, J. (2017) Nucleic Acids Res 45: 12529-12535
Crystal structure of the bacterial ribosomal decoding site in complex with G418 and Hg(II)To be published
Crystal structure of the eukaryotic ribosomal decoding site in complex with G418 and Hg(II)To be published
Crystal structure of the Candida albicans 80S ribosome in complex with geneticin G418Kolosova, O., Zgadzay, Y., Yusupov, M. To be published
Crystal structure of the Candida albicans 80S ribosome in complex with geneticin G418 (rotated state)Kolosova, O., Zgadzay, Y., Yusupov, M. To be published
Crystal structure of GenB2 in complex with G418De Oliveira, G.S., Bury, P.S., Huang, F., Li, Y., Araujo, N.C., Zhou, J., Sun, Y., Leeper, F., Leadlay, P., Dias, M.V.B. (2024) ACS Chem Biol 19: 2002-2011
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