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QUERY: PubMed ID = 38459030 | MyPDB Login | Search API |
Search Summary | This query matches 107 Structures. |
Structure Determination MethodologyScientific Name of Source OrganismMore... TaxonomyExperimental MethodPolymer Entity TypeRefinement Resolution (Å)Release DateEnzyme Classification NameMembrane Protein AnnotationSymmetry TypeSCOP Classification | 1 to 25 of 107 Structures Page 1 of 5 Sort by
Human phosphodiesterase 9 in complex with inhibitors(2012) J Med Chem 55: 9055-9068
Human pde9 in complex with selective compound(2012) J Med Chem 55: 9055-9068
Human PDE9 in complex with selective compound(2012) J Med Chem 55: 9055-9068
Crystal structure of human sepiapterin reductase in complex with an N-acetylserotinin analogueJohnsson, K., Hovius, R., Gorszka, K.I., Pojer, F. (2015) Neuron 86: 1393-1406
Cryo-EM structure of the Drosophila CTP synthase substrate-bound filamentJi-Long, L., Xian, Z., Chen-Jun, G. (2019) J Genet Genomics 46: 537-545
Cryo-EM structure of the Drosophila CTP synthase product-bound filamentJi-long, L., Xian, Z., Chen-Jun, G. (2019) J Genet Genomics 46: 537-545
Structure of Lassa virus polymerase bound to Z matrix proteinXu, X., Peng, R., Peng, Q., Shi, Y. (2021) Nat Microbiol 6: 921-931
Structure of Machupo virus polymerase bound to Z matrix protein (monomeric complex)Xu, X., Peng, R., Peng, Q., Shi, Y. (2021) Nat Microbiol 6: 921-931
Crystal structure of human SIRT6(2021) Nat Chem Biol 17: 522-523
Human SIRT6 in complex with allosteric activator MDL-801 (3.2A)(2021) Nat Chem Biol 17: 522-523
Structural basis for ligand binding modes of CTP synthaseLiu, J.L., Zhou, X., Guo, C.J., Chang, C.C. (2021) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 118:
Structural basis for ligand binding modes of CTP synthaseLiu, J.L., Zhou, X., Guo, C.J., Chang, C.C. (2021) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 118:
Structure of Machupo virus L polymerase in complex with Z protein and 3'-vRNA (dimeric complex)Peng, R., Xu, X., Peng, Q., Shi, Y. (2021) Nat Microbiol 6: 921-931
Structure of Lassa virus polymerase in complex with 3'-vRNA and Z mutant (F36A)Xu, X., Peng, R., Peng, Q., Shi, Y. (2021) Nat Microbiol 6: 921-931
Structure of Machupo virus L polymerase in complex with Z protein (dimeric form)Peng, R., Xu, X., Peng, Q., Shi, Y. (2021) Nat Microbiol 6: 921-931
Structure of monomeric complex of MACV L bound to Z and 3'-vRNAXu, X., Peng, R., Peng, Q., Shi, Y. (2021) Nat Microbiol 6: 921-931
Drosophila P5CS filament with glutamateLiu, J.L., Zhong, J., Guo, C.J., Zhou, X. (2022) Elife 11:
Drosophila P5CS filament with glutamate and ATPgammaSLiu, J.L., Zhong, J., Guo, C.J., Zhou, X. (2022) Elife 11:
Drosophila P5CS filament with glutamate, ATP, and NADPHLiu, J.L., Zhong, J., Guo, C.J., Zhou, X. (2022) Elife 11:
GK domain of Drosophila P5CS filament with glutamateLiu, J.L., Zhong, J., Guo, C.J., Zhou, X. (2022) Elife 11:
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