Domain Annotation: SCOP/SCOPe Classification SCOP-e Database Homepage

ChainsDomain InfoClassFoldSuperfamilyFamilyDomainSpeciesProvenance Source (Version)
Ad1pya.1 Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) Pyruvoyl-dependent histidine and arginine decarboxylases Pyruvoyl-dependent histidine and arginine decarboxylases Histidine decarboxylase Histidine decarboxylase (Lactobacillus sp. 30A ) [TaxId: 1593 ], SCOPe (2.08)
Cd1pya.2 Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) Pyruvoyl-dependent histidine and arginine decarboxylases Pyruvoyl-dependent histidine and arginine decarboxylases Histidine decarboxylase Histidine decarboxylase (Lactobacillus sp. 30A ) [TaxId: 1593 ], SCOPe (2.08)
Ed1pya.3 Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) Pyruvoyl-dependent histidine and arginine decarboxylases Pyruvoyl-dependent histidine and arginine decarboxylases Histidine decarboxylase Histidine decarboxylase (Lactobacillus sp. 30A ) [TaxId: 1593 ], SCOPe (2.08)
Bd1pya.1 Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) Pyruvoyl-dependent histidine and arginine decarboxylases Pyruvoyl-dependent histidine and arginine decarboxylases Histidine decarboxylase Histidine decarboxylase (Lactobacillus sp. 30A ) [TaxId: 1593 ], SCOPe (2.08)
Dd1pya.2 Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) Pyruvoyl-dependent histidine and arginine decarboxylases Pyruvoyl-dependent histidine and arginine decarboxylases Histidine decarboxylase Histidine decarboxylase (Lactobacillus sp. 30A ) [TaxId: 1593 ], SCOPe (2.08)
Fd1pya.3 Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) Pyruvoyl-dependent histidine and arginine decarboxylases Pyruvoyl-dependent histidine and arginine decarboxylases Histidine decarboxylase Histidine decarboxylase (Lactobacillus sp. 30A ) [TaxId: 1593 ], SCOPe (2.08)

Domain Annotation: CATH CATH Database Homepage

Protein Family Annotation Pfam Database Homepage

B, D, F
PF02329Histidine carboxylase PI chain (HDC)Histidine carboxylase PI chainHistidine carboxylase catalyses the formation of histamine from histidine. Cleavage of the proenzyme PI chain yields two subunits, alpha and beta, which arrange as a hexamer (alpha beta)6. Domain

Protein Modification Annotation

Modified Residue(s)
B, D, F

PSI-MOD :  pyruvic acid (Cys) MOD:00136 , pyruvic acid (Ser) MOD:00807 , pyruvic acid MOD:01154 , pyruvic acid (Tyr) MOD:01661

Structure Motif Annotation: Mechanism and Catalytic Site Atlas M-CSA Database Homepage

ChainsEnzyme NameDescriptionCatalytic Residues
A, E, F
histidine decarboxylase  M-CSA #49

Histidine decarboxylasses from Lactobacillus 30a is the best-studied of a class of enzyme which utilise the covalently bound cofactor, pyruvate. Models of the active site with and without the bound substrate analogue, histidine methyl ester (HisOMe), or the product, histamine, have been produced. Comparison of native and ligand-bound structures reveals no widespread differences in conformation but does reveal motion of a few key residues.

The native enzyme is an (alpha-beta)6 \"hexamer\". Two trimers bind bottom-to-bottom across a crystallographic dyad, forming a dumbell-shaped hexamer with cavities at either end.

Defined by 7 residues: TYR:A-62ASP:A-63GLU:A-66SER:E-81UNK:F-1 [auth F-82]PHE:F-114 [auth F-195]GLU:F-116 [auth F-197]
Explore in 3DM-CSA Motif Definition
Some residues are non-polymeric components. Structure Motif searching is not available.
EC: (PDB Primary Data)