CAUTION: This alignment is very weak. It can not be generated by clustalw. If a representative set is used for a seed, many so-called members are not recognised. The family should probably be split up into sub-families. Capsid proteins of picornavi ...
CAUTION: This alignment is very weak. It can not be generated by clustalw. If a representative set is used for a seed, many so-called members are not recognised. The family should probably be split up into sub-families. Capsid proteins of picornaviruses. Picornaviruses are non-enveloped plus-strand ssRNA animal viruses with icosahedral capsids. They include rhinovirus (common cold) and poliovirus. Common structure is an 8-stranded beta sandwich. Variations (one or two extra strands) occur.
CAUTION: This alignment is very weak. It can not be generated by clustalw. If a representative set is used for a seed, many so-called members are not recognised. The family should probably be split up into sub-families. Capsid proteins of picornavi ...
CAUTION: This alignment is very weak. It can not be generated by clustalw. If a representative set is used for a seed, many so-called members are not recognised. The family should probably be split up into sub-families. Capsid proteins of picornaviruses. Picornaviruses are non-enveloped plus-strand ssRNA animal viruses with icosahedral capsids. They include rhinovirus (common cold) and poliovirus. Common structure is an 8-stranded beta sandwich. Variations (one or two extra strands) occur.
CAUTION: This alignment is very weak. It can not be generated by clustalw. If a representative set is used for a seed, many so-called members are not recognised. The family should probably be split up into sub-families. Capsid proteins of picornavi ...
CAUTION: This alignment is very weak. It can not be generated by clustalw. If a representative set is used for a seed, many so-called members are not recognised. The family should probably be split up into sub-families. Capsid proteins of picornaviruses. Picornaviruses are non-enveloped plus-strand ssRNA animal viruses with icosahedral capsids. They include rhinovirus (common cold) and poliovirus. Common structure is an 8-stranded beta sandwich. Variations (one or two extra strands) occur.
ICAMs normally functions to promote intercellular adhesion and signalling. However, The N-terminal domain of the receptor binds to the rhinovirus 'canyon' surrounding the icosahedral 5-fold axes, during the viral attachment process [1]. This family ...
ICAMs normally functions to promote intercellular adhesion and signalling. However, The N-terminal domain of the receptor binds to the rhinovirus 'canyon' surrounding the icosahedral 5-fold axes, during the viral attachment process [1]. This family is a family that is part of the Ig superfamily and is therefore related to the family ig (Pfam:PF00047).