Tarantula heavy meromyosin obtained by flexible docking to Tarantula muscle thick filament Cryo-EM 3D-MAP


Starting Model(s)

Initial Refinement Model(s)
TypeSourceAccession CodeDetails
experimental modelPDB 1I84 
experimental modelPDB 2FXM 
experimental modelPDB 1B7T 
Myosin thick filaments from Tarantula striated muscle
Specimen Preparation
Sample Aggregation StateFILAMENT
Vitrification Instrument
Cryogen Name
Sample Vitrification DetailsPlunging in a liquid ethane. Blotting was performed from one side of the grid till a thin sample film on it using Whatman No 42 filter paper, then ...Plunging in a liquid ethane. Blotting was performed from one side of the grid till a thin sample film on it using Whatman No 42 filter paper, then the grid was immediately plunged under gravity into liquid ethane cooled by liquid nitrogen. Grids were stored under liquid nitrogen.
3D Reconstruction
Reconstruction MethodHELICAL
Number of Particles15504
Reported Resolution (Å)20
Resolution Method
Other Detailsthree-dimensional single particle reconstruction was carried out by a modification of the ihrsr method, using spider. low-dose electron ...three-dimensional single particle reconstruction was carried out by a modification of the ihrsr method, using spider. low-dose electron micrographs of 1008 frozen-hydrated thick filaments halves were digitized at 0.248 nm per pixel using a nikon super coolscan 8000 ed scanner. filaments were aligned with the bare zone at the top, to ensure correct polarity in subsequent steps. a total of 15,504 segments, each 62 nm long, with an overlap of 55.8 nm, and containing aprox. 40,000 unique pairs of interacting myosin heads went into the reconstruction. as an initial reference model we used the tarantula negatively stained 3d-map, which was axially rotated, axially shifted and also out of plane tilted up to plus-minus12deg. for projection matching, giving a total of 4,095 projections (13 tilted projections plus-minus 12 deg. every 2 deg., 45 reference rotated projections (0-90 deg., every 2 deg. rotation angle), and 7 image axial shifts of 2.2 nm. the resulting 3d-map combines about 10,700 out of 15,504 filament segments, a yield of 69 percent of included segments.
Refinement Type
Symmetry TypeHELICAL
Map-Model Fitting and Refinement
Id1 (1I84, 2FXM, 1B7T)
Refinement SpaceREAL
Refinement ProtocolFLEXIBLE FIT
Refinement TargetConstrained Molecular Dynamics
Overall B Value
Fitting Procedure
DetailsMETHOD--Flexible Fitting REFINEMENT PROTOCOL--Custom skeleton of 31 positional markers
Data Acquisition
Imaging Experiment1
Date of Experiment2001-09-19
Temperature (Kelvin)88
Microscope ModelFEI/PHILIPS CM120T
Minimum Defocus (nm)1950
Maximum Defocus (nm)1950
Minimum Tilt Angle (degrees)
Maximum Tilt Angle (degrees)
Nominal CS2
Specimen Holder Model
Nominal Magnification35000
Calibrated Magnification35000
Acceleration Voltage (kV)120
Imaging DetailsHoley carbon grids Cryo preserved in Liquid ethane were observed in a Philips CM120 electron microscope under low dose conditions. Only filaments on thin carbon over holes were photographed
EM Software
TaskSoftware PackageVersion
Image Processing
CTF Correction TypeCTF Correction DetailsNumber of Particles SelectedParticle Selection Details
no corrected