Immature 50S subunit from YlqF-deficient Bacillus subtilis strain
Specimen Preparation
Sample Aggregation State
Vitrification Instrument
Cryogen Name
Sample Vitrification Details
3D Reconstruction
Reconstruction Method
Number of Particles
Reported Resolution (Å)
Resolution Method
Other Details
(Single particle details: This is one of the classified groups with the software RELION) (Single particle--Applied symmetry: C1)
Refinement Type
Symmetry Type
Point Symmetry
Map-Model Fitting and Refinement
1 (2J01)
2 (2AW4)
Refinement Space
Refinement Protocol
Refinement Target
Overall B Value
Fitting Procedure
METHOD--Flexible fitting REFINEMENT PROTOCOL--Atom models of the 23S and 5S
rRNAs were built using the software S2S and modeRNA, with the crystal
st ...
METHOD--Flexible fitting REFINEMENT PROTOCOL--Atom models of the 23S and 5S
rRNAs were built using the software S2S and modeRNA, with the crystal
structures of the 50S subunits from E. coli (PDB ID- 2AW4) and Thermus
thermophilus (PDB ID- 2J01) as template. Models of ribosomal proteins, L1, L3,
L4, L6, L10, L13, L14, L15, L17, L19, L20, L21, L22, L23, L24, L27, L29, L30,
L31, L32, L33, L34, L35 and L36 were downloaded from the SWISS-MODEL
Repository. The others, including L2, L5, L11, L16, L18 and L28 were modeled
using MODELLER with crystal structures of E. coli and T. thermophilus 50S
subunits as templates.The combined atomic model of the B. subtilis 50S subunit
was docked into a high resolution mature 50S density map and optimized using
MDFF. This optimized model was docked into the EM density using Chimera and
flexible fitted into the density using MDFF. DETAILS--Ref- Schuwirth, B.S.,
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