RCSB PDB Poster Prize for Student Presentations
Poster Prize OverviewIn 2006, the following prizes were awarded:
The award at the American Crystallographic Association's Annual Meeting (July 22-27; Honolulu, Hawaii) was a tie:
Thioesterase domain of human fatty acid synthase: structural insights into chain-length selectivity.
Charles W. Pemble (1), Steve J. Kridel(2), Todd T. Lowther(1)
(1) Department of Biochemistry, (2) Department of Cancer Biology, School of Medicine, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC
Structure of Adeno- Associated Virus 1 to 8.6 Angstrom Resolution by Cryo-Electron Microscopy.
Edward Miller (1), Brittney Gurda-Whitaker (1), Lakshmanan Govindasamy (1), Xiaodong Yan (2), Robert McKenna (1), Sergei Zolotukhin (3), Nicholas Muzyczka (4), Timothy Baker (2), Mavis Agbandje-McKenna (1)
(1) Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, (3) Department of Pediatrics, (4) Department of Molecular Genetics & Microbiology, COM, University of Florida, FL; (2) Department of Chemistry/Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, UCSD, San Diego, CA
Judges: Marc Allaire (Brookhaven National Laboratory), John Badger (ActiveSight), Zygmunt Derewenda - Chair (University of Virginia), Quan Hao (Cornell University), Mariusz Jaskolski (A Mickiewicz University), and Charles Weeks (Hauptman-Woodward MRI)
Organizer: Zongchao Jia (Queen's University)
At the European Crystallographic Meeting (August 6- 11, Leuven, Belgium), the award went to:
SdsA1 from P. aeruginosa, defines a new mechanistic class of sulfatases
Gregor Hagelüken (1), Thorsten M. Adams (2,3), Lutz Wiehlmann (3), Ute Widow (1), Harald Kolmar (2,4), Burkhard Tümmler (3), Dirk W. Heinz (1), Wolf-Dieter Schubert (1)
(1) Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, formerly German Research Centre for Biotechnology, (2) University of Göttingen, (3) Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, and (4) Darmstadt University of Technology
Judges: Bohdan Schneider (RCSB PDB and Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic), Guy Dodson (University of York), Wolf-Dieter Schubert (German Research Centre for Biotechnology), Johann Wouters (University of Namur), Sergei Strelkov (Catholic University of Leuven)
Organizer: Bohdan Schneider
At the Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology Conference (August 6-10, Fortaleza, Brazil), the RCSB PDB awarded a Prize for the best student poster in the Structural Bioinformatics category.
The prize went to Anna C.V. Johansson and Erik Lindah (Stockholm Bioinformatics Center, Stockholm University) for their poster on "Amino acid solvation structure in transmembrane helices from molecular dynamics simulations".
Judges: Antonio Araújo (University of Brasilia), Rita Casadio (University of Bologna), Paula Kuser Falcão (Embrapa Informática Agropecuária), Dietlind Gerloff (University of Edinburgh), Reinhard Schneider (European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg)
Organizers: Junior Barrera (Universidade de São Paulo), Fernando Luis Barroso da Silva (Universidade de São Paulo), and Phil Bourne (University of California, San Diego)
At the Joint Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association and the Crystallographic Society of Japan (November 20-23 in Tsukuba, Japan),
the RCSB PDB awarded a Prize for the best student poster related to macromolecular crystallography.
Structural studies on the SUF proteins involved in the biogenesis of iron-sulfur clusters
Norika Sumi (1), Kei Wada (1), Shintaro Kitaoka (1), Kei Suzuki (1), Yuko Hasegawa (1), Yoshiko Minami (2), Yasuhiro Takahashi (1), and Keiichi Fukuyama (1)
(1) Department of Biology, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0043 Japan
(2) Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, Okayama University of Science, Okayama 700-0005 Japan
Judges: Anders Liljas (Chair; Lund University), K. Byrappa (University of Mysore), Mitchell Guss (University of Sydney), Chwan-Deng Hsiao (Academia Sinica), and Genji Kurisu (University of Tokyo)
Organizer: Soichi Wakatsuki (Institute of Materials Structure Science, KEK, Japan)