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QUERY: Structure Author = "Choi, J.M." | MyPDB Login | Search API |
Search Summary | This query matches 40 Structures. |
Structure Determination MethodologyScientific Name of Source OrganismMore... TaxonomyExperimental MethodPolymer Entity TypeRefinement Resolution (Å)Release DateEnzyme Classification NameSymmetry TypeSCOP Classification | 1 to 25 of 40 Structures Page 1 of 2 Sort by
Crystal Structure Of The tRNA Processing Enzyme Rnase pH From Pseudomonas AeruginosaChoi, J.M., Park, E.Y., Kim, J.H., Chang, S.K., Cho, Y. (2004) J Biol Chem 279: 755-764
Crystal Structure Of The tRNA Processing Enzyme Rnase pH From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa In Complex With PhosphateChoi, J.M., Park, E.Y., Kim, J.H., Chang, S.K., Cho, Y. (2004) J Biol Chem 279: 755-764
Structure of a peptide:N-glycanase-Rad23 complexLee, J.-H., Choi, J.M., Lee, C., Yi, K.J., Cho, Y. (2005) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 102: 9144-9149
Structure of a peptide:N-glycanase-Rad23 complexLee, J.-H., Choi, J.M., Lee, C., Yi, K.J., Cho, Y. (2005) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 102: 9144-9149
structure of mouse WRN exonuclease domainTo be published
structure of mouse werner exonuclease domainTo be published
Crystal structure of human GINS complexChoi, J.M., Lim, H.S., Kim, J.J., Song, O.K., Cho, Y. (2007) Genes Dev 21: 1316-1321
Crystal structure of the Mus81-Eme1 complexChang, J.H., Kim, J.J., Choi, J.M., Lee, J.H., Cho, Y. (2008) Genes Dev 22: 1093-1106
Crystal structure of the Mus81-Eme1 complexChang, J.H., Kim, J.J., Choi, J.M., Lee, J.H., Cho, Y. (2008) Genes Dev 22: 1093-1106
Crystal structure of the Mus81-Eme1 complexChang, J.H., Kim, J.J., Choi, J.M., Lee, J.H., Cho, Y. (2008) Genes Dev 22: 1093-1106
Crystal structure of the Mus81-Eme1 complexChang, J.H., Kim, J.J., Choi, J.M., Lee, J.H., Cho, Y. (2008) Genes Dev 22: 1093-1106
Atomic resolution structural characterization of recognition of histo-blood group antigen by Norwalk virusChoi, J.M., Huston, A.M., Estes, M.K., Prasad, B.V.V. (2008) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 105: 9175-9180
Atomic resolution structural characterization of recognition of histo-blood group antigens by Norwalk virusChoi, J.M., Huston, A.M., Estes, M.K., Prasad, B.V.V. (2008) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 105: 9175-9180
Atomic resolution structural characterization of recognition of histo-blood group antigens by Norwalk virusChoi, J.M., Huston, A.M., Estes, M.K., Prasad, B.V.V. (2008) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 105: 9175-9180
Crystal structure of Cdt1/geminin complexCho, Y., Lee, C., Hong, B.S., Choi, J.M. (2004) Nature 430: 913-917
The crystal structure of Xenopus Glucokinase and Glucokinase Regulatory Protein complexChoi, J.M., Seo, M.H., Kyeong, H.H., Kim, E., Kim, H.S. (2013) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 110: 10171-10176
X-ray structure of full-length H6N6 NS1Carrillo, B., Choi, J.M., Bornholdt, Z.A., Sankaran, S., Rice, A.P., Prasad, B.V.V. (2014) J Virol 88: 4113-4122
Crystal Structure of Thermophilic Geobacillus kaustophilus L-Arabinose isomeraseChoi, J.M., Lee, Y.J., Lee, D.W., Lee, S.H. To be published
Crystal Structure of Thermophilic Geobacillus kaustophilus L-Arabinose isomerase with Mn2+Choi, J.M., Lee, Y.J., Lee, D.W., Lee, S.H. To be published
Crystal Structure of Thermophilic Geobacillus kaustophilus L-Arabinose isomerase in complex with L-arabitolChoi, J.M., Lee, Y.J., Lee, D.W., Lee, S.H. To be published
Crystal structure of beta-glycosidase BGL167Park, S.J., Choi, J.M., Kyeong, H.H., Kim, S.G., Kim, H.S. (2015) Chembiochem 16: 854-860
X-ray structure of Helicobacter pylori CagL-K74Choi, J.M., Choi, Y.H., Cha, J.H., Lee, S.H. (2015) Biochem Biophys Res Commun 460: 964-970
Crystal Structure of UDP-Glucose 4-Epimerase (TM0509) from Hyperthermophilic Eubacterium Thermotoga maritimaChoi, J.M., Lee, D.W., Lee, S.H. (2015) Arch Biochem Biophys 585: 39-51
Crystal Structure of UDP-Glucose 4-Epimerase (TM0509) with UDP-glucose from Hyperthermophilic Eubacterium Thermotoga MaritimaChoi, J.M., Lee, D.W., Lee, S.H. (2015) Arch Biochem Biophys 585: 39-51
Complex structure of human C5a and its binding repebodyKim, H.-S., Choi, J.M., Hwang, D.E. To be published
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