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QUERY: Gene Name = "DXB64_10975" | MyPDB Login | Search API |
Search Summary | This query matches 18 Structures. |
Structure Determination MethodologyScientific Name of Source OrganismTaxonomyExperimental MethodPolymer Entity TypeRefinement Resolution (Å)Release DateEnzyme Classification NameSymmetry Type | 1 to 18 of 18 Structures Page 1 of 1 Sort by
Crystal structure of human TLR8 in complex with DS-877Tanji, H., Ohto, U., Shimizu, T. (2014) ChemMedChem 9: 719-723
Crystal structure of human TLR8 in complex with DS-802Tanji, H., Ohto, U., Shimizu, T. (2014) J Med Chem 57: 7955-7970
Crystal structure of human TLR8 in complex with XG-1-236Tanji, H., Ohto, U., Shimizu, T. (2014) J Med Chem 57: 7955-7970
Crystal structure of human TLR8 in complex with MB-568Tanji, H., Ohto, U., Shimizu, T. To be published
Crystal structure of human TLR8 in complex with N1-3-aminomethylbenzyl (meta-amine)Tanji, H., Ohto, U., Shimizu, T. (2015) J Med Chem 58: 7833-7849
Crystal structure of human TLR8 in complex with MB-564Tanji, H., Ohto, U., Shimizu, T. To be published
Crystal structure of human TLR8 in complex with N1-4-aminomethylbenzyl (IMDQ)Tanji, H., Ohto, U., Shimizu, T. (2015) J Med Chem 58: 7833-7849
Crystal structure of apo BesC from Streptomyces cattleyaNeugebauer, M.E., McBride, M.J., Boal, A.K., Chang, M.C.Y. (2022) Biochemistry 61: 689-702
Structure of Hyoscyamine 6-beta Hydroxylase in complex with iron, 2-oxoglutarate, and hyoscyamineWenger, E.W., Boal, A.K., Bollinger, J.M., Krebs, C. (2024) J Am Chem Soc 146: 24271-24287
Structure of Hyoscyamine 6-beta Hydroxylase in complex with vanadyl, succinate, and hyoscyamineWenger, E.W., Boal, A.K., Bollinger, J.M., Krebs, C. (2024) J Am Chem Soc 146: 24271-24287
Structure of Hyoscyamine 6-beta Hydroxylase in complex with iron, succinate, and 6-OH-hyoscyamineWenger, E.W., Boal, A.K., Bollinger, J.M., Krebs, C. (2024) J Am Chem Soc 146: 24271-24287
Structure of Hyoscyamine 6-beta Hydroxylase in complex with iron, 2-oxoglutarate, and 6-OH-hyoscyamineWenger, E.W., Boal, A.K., Bollinger, J.M., Krebs, C. (2024) J Am Chem Soc 146: 24271-24287
Structure of Hyoscyamine 6-beta Hydroxylase in complex with vanadyl, succinate, and 6-OH-hyoscyamineWenger, E.W., Boal, A.K., Bollinger, J.M., Krebs, C. (2024) J Am Chem Soc 146: 24271-24287
Structure of Hyoscyamine 6-beta Hydroxylase in complex with iron, succinate, and scopolamineWenger, E.W., Boal, A.K., Bollinger, J.M., Krebs, C. (2024) J Am Chem Soc 146: 24271-24287
Structure of L289F Hyoscyamine 6-beta Hydroxylase in complex with iron, 2-oxoglutarate, and hyoscyamineWenger, E.W., Boal, A.K., Bollinger, J.M., Krebs, C. (2024) J Am Chem Soc 146: 24271-24287
Structure of L289F Hyoscyamine 6-beta Hydroxylase in complex with vanadyl, succinate, and hyoscyamineWenger, E.W., Boal, A.K., Bollinger, J.M., Krebs, C. (2024) J Am Chem Soc 146: 24271-24287
Structure of L289F Hyoscyamine 6-beta Hydroxylase in complex with iron, 2-oxoglutarate, and 6-OH-hyoscyamineWenger, E.W., Boal, A.K., Bollinger, J.M., Krebs, C. (2024) J Am Chem Soc 146: 24271-24287
Structure of L289F Hyoscyamine 6-beta Hydroxylase in complex with vanadyl, succinate, and 6-OH-hyoscyamineWenger, E.W., Boal, A.K., Bollinger, J.M., Krebs, C. (2024) J Am Chem Soc 146: 24271-24287
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