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QUERY: Gene Name = "OCP2" | MyPDB Login | Search API |
Search Summary | This query matches 10 Structures. |
Structure Determination MethodologyScientific Name of Source OrganismTaxonomyExperimental MethodPolymer Entity TypeRefinement Resolution (Å)Release DateEnzyme Classification NameSymmetry TypeSCOP Classification | 1 to 10 of 10 Structures Page 1 of 1 Sort by
A vertebrate cryptochromeXing, W., Busino, L., Hinds, T.R., Marionni, S.T., Saifee, N.H., Bush, M.F., Pagano, M., Zheng, N. (2013) Nature 496: 64-68
a vertebrate cryptochrome with FADXing, W., Busino, L., Hinds, T.R., Marionni, S.T., Saifee, N.H., Bush, M.F., Pagano, M., Zheng, N. (2013) Nature 496: 64-68
A ubiquitin ligase-substrate complexXing, W., Busino, L., Hinds, T.R., Marionni, S.T., Saifee, N.H., Bush, M.F., Pagano, M., Zheng, N. (2013) Nature 496: 64-68
Mammalian cryptochrome in complex with a small molecule competitor of its ubiquitin ligaseNangle, S., Xing, W., Zheng, N. (2013) Cell Res 23: 1417-1419
Avr1d:GmPUB13 U-boxXing, W., Hu, Q., Zhou, J., Yao, D. (2021) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 118:
Mechanism of Phosphate Sensing and Signaling Revealed by Rice SPX1-PHR2 Complex StructureZhou, J., Hu, Q., Yao, D., Xing, W. (2021) Nat Commun 12: 7040-7040
Crystal structure of the N-terminal Solanaceae domain of the Sw-5b NLR immune receptorLi, J., Xin, J., Xing, W., Tao, X. To be published
Phytophthora infesfans RxLR effector AVRvnt1Xing, W., Hu, Q., Zhou, J., Yao, D. To be published
Complex structure of D-glycerate-3-kinase(GLYK) and AVRvnt1Hu, Q., Zhou, J., Yao, D., Xing, W. To be published
Oomycete Nudix effectors display WY-Nudix conformations with mRNA decapping activity(2024) J Integr Plant Biol 66: 1548-1552
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