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QUERY: Gene Name = "designed synthetic gene" | MyPDB Login | Search API |
Search Summary | This query matches 9 Structures. |
Structure Determination MethodologyScientific Name of Source OrganismTaxonomyExperimental MethodPolymer Entity TypeRelease DateEnzyme Classification NameSymmetry TypeSCOP Classification | 1 to 9 of 9 Structures Page 1 of 1 Sort by
Solution Structure of Calreticulin P-domain subdomain (residues 221-256)Ellgaard, L., Bettendorff, P., Braun, D., Herrmann, T., Fiorito, F., Guntert, P., Helenius, A., Wuthrich, K. (2002) J Mol Biol 322: 773-784
Solution Structure of Calreticulin P-domain subdomain (residues 189-261)Ellgaard, L., Bettendorff, P., Braun, D., Herrmann, T., Fiorito, F., Guntert, P., Helenius, A., Wuthrich, K. (2002) J Mol Biol 322: 773-784
NMR structure of the NALP1 Pyrin domain (PYD)Hiller, S., Kohl, A., Fiorito, F., Herrmann, T., Wider, G., Tschopp, J., Grutter, M.G., Wuthrich, K. (2003) Structure 11: 1199-1205
NMR Structure of the cat prion proteinLysek, D.A., Schorn, C., Nivon, L.G., Esteve-Moya, V., Christen, B., Calzolai, L., von Schroetter, C., Fiorito, F., Herrmann, T., Guntert, P. (2005) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 102: 640-645
elk prion proteinGossert, A.D., Bonjour, S., Lysek, D.A., Fiorito, F., Wuthrich, K. (2005) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 102: 646-650
mouse prion protein fragment 121-231Gossert, A.D., Bonjour, S., Lysek, D.A., Fiorito, F., Wuthrich, K. (2005) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 102: 646-650
Mouse Prion Protein with mutation N174TGossert, A.D., Bonjour, S., Lysek, D.A., Fiorito, F., Wuthrich, K. (2005) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 102: 646-650
mouse prion protein with mutations S170N and N174TGossert, A.D., Bonjour, S., Lysek, D.A., Fiorito, F., Wuthrich, K. (2005) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 102: 646-650
NMR structure of the E. coli type 1 pilus subunit FimFGossert, A.D., Bettendorff, P., Puorger, C., Vetsch, M., Herrmann, T., Fiorito, F., Hiller, S., Glockshuber, R., Wuthrich, K. (2008) J Mol Biol 375: 752-763
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