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QUERY: Source Organism Taxonomy Name (Full Lineage) = "Leishmania mexicana" | MyPDB Login | Search API |
Search Summary | This query matches 17 Structures. |
Structure Determination MethodologyScientific Name of Source OrganismTaxonomyExperimental MethodPolymer Entity TypeRefinement Resolution (Å)Release DateEnzyme Classification NameMembrane Protein AnnotationSymmetry TypeSCOP Classification | 1 to 17 of 17 Structures Page 1 of 1 Sort by
Halorhodopsin, a light-driven chloride pumpEssen, L.-O., Kolbe, M., Oesterhelt, D. (2000) Science 288: 1390
NMR solution structure of a soluble PrgI mutant from Salmonella TyphimuriumSchmidt, H., Poyraz, O., Seidel, K., Delissen, F., Ader, C., Tenenboim, H., Goosmann, C., Laube, B., Thuenemann, A.F., Zychlinski, A., Baldus, M., Lange, A., Griesinger, C., Kolbe, M. (2010) Nat Struct Mol Biol 17: 788-792
Crystal structure of a soluble PrgI mutant from Salmonella TyphimuriumPoyraz, O., Schmidt, H., Seidel, K., Delissen, F., Ader, C., Tenenboim, H., Goosmann, C., Laube, B., Thuenemann, A.F., Zychlinsky, A., Baldus, M., Lange, A., Griesinger, C., Kolbe, M. (2010) Nat Struct Mol Biol 17: 788
Truncated SipD from Salmonella typhimurium(2011) PLoS Pathog 7: e1002163-e1002163
SipD from Salmonella typhimurium(2011) PLoS Pathog 7: 02163
Crystal structure of IpgC from Shigella flexneriLunelli, M., Lokareddy, R.K., Zychlinsky, A., Kolbe, M. (2009) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 106: 9661-9666
Crystal structure of IpgC in complex with the chaperone binding region of IpaBLunelli, M., Lokareddy, R.K., Zychlinsky, A., Kolbe, M. (2009) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 106: 9661-9666
Crystal structure of IpgC in complex with an IpaB peptideLokareddy, R.K., Lunelli, M., Kolbe, M. (2010) J Biol Chem 285: 39965-39975
PrgI-SipD from Salmonella typhimurium(2011) PLoS Pathog 7: 02163
PrgI-SipD from Salmonella typhimurium in complex with deoxycholate(2011) PLoS Pathog 7: 02163
Structure of the Cytosolic Domain of the Shigella T3SS component MxiG(2012) FASEB J 26: 1717
Salmonella ATPase InvC with ADPBernal, I., Roemermann, J., Flacht, L., Lunelli, M., Uetrecht, C., Kolbe, M. (2019) Protein Sci 28: 1888-1901
Structural analysis of the Salmonella type III secretion system ATPase InvCBernal, I., Roemermann, J., Flacht, L., Lunelli, M., Uetrecht, C., Kolbe, M. (2019) Protein Sci 28: 1888-1901
Truncated FljB phase 2 flagellinLunelli, M., Lokareddy, R.K., Kolbe, M. (2020) Nat Commun 11: 2013-2013
Salmonella ATPase InvC with ATP gamma SBernal, I., Roemermann, J., Flacht, L., Lunelli, M., Uetrecht, C., Kolbe, M. (2019) Protein Sci 28: 1888-1901
Structure of the Salmonella PrgI needle filament attached to the basal bodyLunelli, M., Kotov, V., Wald, J., Kolbe, M., Marlovits, T.C. (2021) Biochem Biophys Rep 27: 101039-101039
Structure of the Shigella MxiH needle filament attached to the basal bodyLunelli, M., Kotov, V., Marlovits, T.C., Kolbe, M. (2021) Biochem Biophys Rep 27: 101039-101039
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