Domain Annotation: SCOP2 Classification SCOP2 Database Homepage

ChainsTypeFamily Name Domain Identifier Family IdentifierProvenance Source (Version)
ASCOP2B SuperfamilyPhosphoenolpyruvate/pyruvate domain 8043639 3000510 SCOP2B (2022-06-29)
ASCOP2B SuperfamilyPK beta-barrel domain-like 8042524 3001296 SCOP2B (2022-06-29)
ASCOP2B SuperfamilyPK C-terminal domain-like 8044402 3000442 SCOP2B (2022-06-29)

Domain Annotation: ECOD Classification ECOD Database Homepage

ChainsFamily NameDomain Identifier ArchitecturePossible HomologyHomologyTopologyFamilyProvenance Source (Version)
APK_2nde1pknA4 A: beta barrelsX: cradle loop barrelH: RIFT-relatedT: PK beta-barrel domain-likeF: PK_2ndECOD (1.6)
APK_1ste1pknA3 A: a/b barrelsX: TIM beta/alpha-barrelH: TIM barrels (From Topology)T: TIM barrelsF: PK_1stECOD (1.6)
APK_Ce1pknA1 A: a/b three-layered sandwichesX: PK C-terminal domain-like (From Topology)H: PK C-terminal domain-like (From Topology)T: PK C-terminal domain-likeF: PK_CECOD (1.6)

Domain Annotation: CATH CATH Database Homepage

ChainDomainClassArchitectureTopologyHomologyProvenance Source (Version)
A3.40.1380.20 Alpha Beta 3-Layer(aba) Sandwich Pyruvate Kinase Chain: A, domain 1CATH (4.3.0)
A3.20.20.60 Alpha Beta Alpha-Beta Barrel TIM Barrel Phosphoenolpyruvate-binding domainsCATH (4.3.0)
A2.40.33.10 Mainly Beta Beta Barrel M1 Pyruvate Kinase Domain 3CATH (4.3.0)

Protein Family Annotation Pfam Database Homepage

PF00224Pyruvate kinase, barrel domain (PK)Pyruvate kinase, barrel domainThis is the barrel domain of pyruvate kinases. This domain represents the beta/alpha barrel and the small beta-barrel domain inserted within it. The active site is found in a cleft between the two domains [1,2,3,4]. Domain
PF02887Pyruvate kinase, alpha/beta domain (PK_C)Pyruvate kinase, alpha/beta domainPyruvate kinase catalyses the final step in glycolysis, the conversion of phosphoenolpyruvate to pyruvate with concomitant phosphorylation of ADP to ATP [1,2]. The structure of several pyruvate kinases from various organisms have been determined [2, ...Domain

Gene Ontology: Gene Product Annotation Gene Ontology Database Homepage

ChainsPolymerMolecular FunctionBiological ProcessCellular Component

Structure Motif Annotation: Mechanism and Catalytic Site Atlas M-CSA Database Homepage

ChainsEnzyme NameDescriptionCatalytic Residues
pyruvate kinase  M-CSA #326

Pyruvate kinase catalyses the final step of glycolysis and is allosterically regulated by fructose-1,6-bisphosphate. It requires two equivalents divalent cation, one of which binds to the enzyme as a complex with the nucleotide substrate, as well as activation by K+. As opposed to mammalian pyruvate kinase, the bacterial enzyme works in a K+ independent manner.

The enzyme is also known to catalyse a variety of side reactions, including the decarboxylation of oxalacetate, the enolisation of pyruvate, ATP-dependent phosphorylation of alpha-hydroxy or alpha-thio carboxylates, ATP- and bicarbonate-dependent phosphorylations of fluoride and of hydroxylamine and to also function as an ATP- and bicarbonate-dependent ATPase. These side activities reflect the capacity of the active site to labilise the gamma-phosphate of ATP or to stabilise the enolate of pyruvate [PMID:9308890].

There are four isozymes of pyruvate kinase in mammals (L, R, M1, M2) encoded by two different genes: PKLR and PKM. The L and R isozymes are generated from the PKLR by differential splicing of RNA; the M1 and M2 forms are produced from the PKM gene by differential splicing. L type is major isozyme in the liver, R is found in red cells, M1 is the main form in muscle, heart and brain, and M2 is found in early fetal tissues as well as in most cancer cells. This entry represents the PKM gene products.

Defined by 4 residues: ARG:A-72ARG:A-119LYS:A-269THR:A-327
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