Domain Annotation: ECOD Classification ECOD Database Homepage

ChainsFamily NameDomain Identifier ArchitecturePossible HomologyHomologyTopologyFamilyProvenance Source (Version)
ASPXe5ijhA1 A: alpha bundlesX: SPX domain (From Topology)H: SPX domain (From Topology)T: SPX domainF: SPXECOD (1.6)
BSPXe5ijhB1 A: alpha bundlesX: SPX domain (From Topology)H: SPX domain (From Topology)T: SPX domainF: SPXECOD (1.6)

Protein Family Annotation Pfam Database Homepage

A, B
PF03105SPX domain (SPX)SPX domainWe have named this region the SPX domain after SYG1, Pho81 and XPR1. This 180 residue long domain is found at the amino terminus of a variety of proteins. In the yeast protein SYG1, the N-terminus directly binds to the G-protein beta subunit and inhi ...Domain

Gene Ontology: Gene Product Annotation Gene Ontology Database Homepage

ChainsPolymerMolecular FunctionBiological ProcessCellular Component
A, B
Xenotropic and polytropic retrovirus receptor 1

InterPro: Protein Family Classification InterPro Database Homepage

A, B
IPR004331SPX domainDomain
A, B
IPR004342EXS, C-terminalDomain