The C terminal domain of CDC6 assumes a winged helix fold, with a five alpha-helical bundle (alpha15-alpha19) structure, backed on one side by three beta strands (beta6-beta8). It has been shown that this domain acts as a DNA-localisation factor, how ...
The C terminal domain of CDC6 assumes a winged helix fold, with a five alpha-helical bundle (alpha15-alpha19) structure, backed on one side by three beta strands (beta6-beta8). It has been shown that this domain acts as a DNA-localisation factor, however its exact function is, as yet, unknown. Putative functions include: (1) mediation of protein-protein interactions and (2) regulation of nucleotide binding and hydrolysis. Mutagenesis studies have shown that this domain is essential for appropriate Cdc6 activity [1].
This is the C-terminal winged-helix (WH) DNA-binding domain of the origin recognition complex present in Drosophila melanogaster. The WH domain is responsible for recognizing origin sequences [1].
ORC5 is a component of the origin recognition complex (ORC) that binds origins of replication. ORC is required to assemble the pre-replication complex necessary to initiate DNA replication. This is the lid domain, which with the N-terminal RecA-fold ...
ORC5 is a component of the origin recognition complex (ORC) that binds origins of replication. ORC is required to assemble the pre-replication complex necessary to initiate DNA replication. This is the lid domain, which with the N-terminal RecA-fold domain, constitutes the well-known AAA+ domain [1].
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