The GH3 IAA-amido conjugating enzyme family consists of proteins that catalyze the synthesis of amino acid conjugates with indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) or jasmonate (JA), which are plant hormones. This entry represents the N-terminal domain of these en ...
The GH3 IAA-amido conjugating enzyme family consists of proteins that catalyze the synthesis of amino acid conjugates with indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) or jasmonate (JA), which are plant hormones. This entry represents the N-terminal domain of these enzymes. These enzymes play a crucial role in regulating plant hormone levels by conjugating excess IAA and JA to amino acids, thus providing a mechanism for plants to maintain hormonal homeostasis. The conjugation process is ATP-dependent and involves the adenylation of the hormone followed by the transfer to an amino acid. This family is involved in various plant physiological processes including disease resistance, stamen and carpel differentiation, floret fertility, and response to environmental stresses such as wounding and pathogen attack. Some members also exhibit activity towards synthetic auxins and may confer resistance to herbicides. The family's broad substrate specificity includes various amino acids and analogs of IAA, contributing to the complexity of hormone regulation in plants.