This is the C-terminal, Delta, part of the TAF8 protein [1]. The N-terminal is generally the histone fold domain, Bromo_TP (Pfam:PF07524). TAF8 is one of the key subunits of the transcription factor for pol II, TFIID. TAF8 is one of the several gener ...
This is the C-terminal, Delta, part of the TAF8 protein [1]. The N-terminal is generally the histone fold domain, Bromo_TP (Pfam:PF07524). TAF8 is one of the key subunits of the transcription factor for pol II, TFIID. TAF8 is one of the several general cofactors which are typically involved in gene activation to bring about the communication between gene-specific transcription factors and components of the general transcription machinery [2].
Accurate transcription in vivo requires at least six general transcription initiation factors, in addition to RNA polymerase II. Transcription initiation factor IIA (TFIIA) is a multimeric protein which facilitates the binding of TFIID to the TATA b ...
Accurate transcription in vivo requires at least six general transcription initiation factors, in addition to RNA polymerase II. Transcription initiation factor IIA (TFIIA) is a multimeric protein which facilitates the binding of TFIID to the TATA box. The C-terminal domain of the gamma subunit is a 12 stranded beta-barrel.
Accurate transcription in vivo requires at least six general transcription initiation factors, in addition to RNA polymerase II. Transcription initiation factor IIA (TFIIA) is a multimeric protein which facilitates the binding of TFIID to the TATA ...
Accurate transcription in vivo requires at least six general transcription initiation factors, in addition to RNA polymerase II. Transcription initiation factor IIA (TFIIA) is a multimeric protein which facilitates the binding of TFIID to the TATA box. The N-terminal domain of the gamma subunit is a 4 helix bundle.
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