
Cryo-EM structure of the human SSU processome, state pre-A1*

Domain Annotation: SCOP2 Classification SCOP2 Database Homepage

ChainsTypeFamily Name Domain Identifier Family IdentifierProvenance Source (Version)
F [auth L5]SCOP2B SuperfamilyRibosomal protein S7 8066003 3000799 SCOP2B (2022-06-29)
G [auth L6]SCOP2B SuperfamilyGS N-terminal domain-like 8053171 3000408 SCOP2B (2022-06-29)
I [auth L8]SCOP2B Superfamily50S Ribosomal protein L14-like 8053077 3000433 SCOP2B (2022-06-29)
K [auth LA]SCOP2B SuperfamilyL30e-like 8063978 3001739 SCOP2B (2022-06-29)
L [auth LC]SCOP2B SuperfamilyRibosomal protein S5 domain 2-like 8082685 3000100 SCOP2B (2022-06-29)
M [auth LD]SCOP2B SuperfamilyRibosomal S17 N-terminal domain-like 8052715 3002138 SCOP2B (2022-06-29)
M [auth LD]SCOP2B SuperfamilyNucleic acid-binding proteins 8052717 3000135 SCOP2B (2022-06-29)
O [auth LG]SCOP2B SuperfamilyNucleic acid-binding proteins 8063426 3000135 SCOP2B (2022-06-29)
HA [auth NF]SCOP2B SuperfamilyS15/NS1 RNA-binding domain 8052959 3001284 SCOP2B (2022-06-29)
HA [auth NF]SCOP2B SuperfamilyHomeodomain-like 8052958 3000001 SCOP2B (2022-06-29)
IA [auth NG]SCOP2B SuperfamilyTranslational machinery components 8098844 3000571 SCOP2B (2022-06-29)
KA [auth NM]SCOP2B SuperfamilyRibosomal S3Ae-like 8053212 3002166 SCOP2B (2022-06-29)
MA [auth NO]SCOP2B SuperfamilyRibosomal protein S8 8095469 3000709 SCOP2B (2022-06-29)
UA [auth SC]SCOP2B SuperfamilyS-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferases 8063658 3000118 SCOP2B (2022-06-29)
VA [auth SD]SCOP2B SuperfamilyS-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferases 8063658 3000118 SCOP2B (2022-06-29)
WA [auth SE]SCOP2B SuperfamilyL30e-like 8043738 3001739 SCOP2B (2022-06-29)
XA [auth SF]SCOP2B SuperfamilyL30e-like 8043738 3001739 SCOP2B (2022-06-29)
AB [auth SK]SCOP2B Superfamilyalpha/beta knot 8084459 3001122 SCOP2B (2022-06-29)
VB [auth SJ]SCOP2B Superfamilyalpha/beta knot 8084459 3001122 SCOP2B (2022-06-29)

Domain Annotation: ECOD Classification ECOD Database Homepage

ChainsFamily NameDomain Identifier ArchitecturePossible HomologyHomologyTopologyFamilyProvenance Source (Version)
D [auth L3]Ribosomal_S13e7mq9L31 A: alpha arraysX: HhH/H2THH: H2TH (From Topology)T: H2THF: Ribosomal_S13ECOD (1.6)
E [auth L4]Ribosomal_S4ee7mq9L42 A: beta barrelsX: OB-foldH: Nucleic acid-binding proteins (From Topology)T: Nucleic acid-binding proteinsF: Ribosomal_S4eECOD (1.6)
E [auth L4]40S_S4_Ce7mq9L41 A: beta barrelsX: SH3H: SH3T: SH3F: 40S_S4_CECOD (1.6)
E [auth L4]RS4NTe7mq9L43 A: a+b two layersX: beta-GraspH: Ubiquitin-relatedT: Alpha-L RNA-binding motifF: RS4NTECOD (1.6)
F [auth L5]Ribosomal_S7_1e7mq9L51 A: alpha arraysX: Ribosomal protein S7 (From Topology)H: Ribosomal protein S7 (From Topology)T: Ribosomal protein S7F: Ribosomal_S7_1ECOD (1.6)
G [auth L6]Ribosomal_S6ee7mq9L61 A: beta barrelsX: Ribosomal protein L25-likeH: Ribosomal protein L25-like (From Topology)T: Ribosomal protein L25-likeF: Ribosomal_S6eECOD (1.6)
H [auth L7]Ribosomal_S7e_Ne7mq9L71 A: a+b two layersX: Alpha-lytic protease prodomain-likeH: 40S ribosomal protein S7-A (From Topology)T: 40S ribosomal protein S7-AF: Ribosomal_S7e_NECOD (1.6)
H [auth L7]Ribosomal_S7e_C_1e7mq9L72 A: a+b two layersX: Alpha-lytic protease prodomain-likeH: 40S ribosomal protein S7-A (From Topology)T: 40S ribosomal protein S7-AF: Ribosomal_S7e_C_1ECOD (1.6)
I [auth L8]Ribosomal_S8ee7mq9L81 A: beta barrelsX: Ribosomal protein L14-likeH: Ribosomal protein L14-related (From Topology)T: Ribosomal protein L14-relatedF: Ribosomal_S8eECOD (1.6)
J [auth L9]S4e7mq9L91 A: a+b two layersX: beta-GraspH: Ubiquitin-relatedT: Alpha-L RNA-binding motifF: S4ECOD (1.6)
K [auth LA]Ribosomal_L7Aee7mq9LA1 A: a+b three layersX: Bacillus chorismate mutase-likeH: L30e-like (From Topology)T: L30e-likeF: Ribosomal_L7AeECOD (1.6)
L [auth LC]Ribosomal_S9e7mq9LC1 A: a+b two layersX: Ribosomal protein S5 domain 2-like (From Topology)H: Ribosomal protein S5 domain 2-like (From Topology)T: Ribosomal protein S5 domain 2-likeF: Ribosomal_S9ECOD (1.6)
M [auth LD]Ribosomal_S17_1e7mq9LD1 A: beta barrelsX: OB-foldH: Nucleic acid-binding proteins (From Topology)T: Nucleic acid-binding proteinsF: Ribosomal_S17_1ECOD (1.6)
N [auth LF]Ribosomal_S24ee7mq9LF1 A: a+b two layersX: Alpha-beta plaitsH: Ribosomal proteins S24e, L23 and L15e (From Topology)T: Ribosomal proteins S24e, L23 and L15eF: Ribosomal_S24eECOD (1.6)
O [auth LG]Ribosomal_S28ee7mq9LG1 A: beta barrelsX: OB-foldH: Nucleic acid-binding proteins (From Topology)T: Nucleic acid-binding proteinsF: Ribosomal_S28eECOD (1.6)
R [auth LJ]ANAPC4_WD40_7e7mq9LJ1 A: beta duplicates or obligate multimersX: beta-propeller-likeH: beta-propellerT: 8-bladedF: ANAPC4_WD40_7ECOD (1.6)
R [auth LJ]F_UNCLASSIFIEDe7mq9LJ2 A: alpha superhelicesX: Repetitive alpha hairpinsH: C-terminal tetramerization domain of Utp1/Utp21/Utp12/Utp13 (From Topology)T: C-terminal tetramerization domain of Utp1/Utp21/Utp12/Utp13F: F_UNCLASSIFIEDECOD (1.6)
U [auth LN]ANAPC4_WD40_9e7mq9LN2 A: beta duplicates or obligate multimersX: beta-propeller-likeH: beta-propellerT: 7-bladedF: ANAPC4_WD40_9ECOD (1.6)
U [auth LN]ANAPC4_WD40_14e7mq9LN1 A: beta duplicates or obligate multimersX: beta-propeller-likeH: beta-propellerT: 7-bladedF: ANAPC4_WD40_14ECOD (1.6)
V [auth LO]ANAPC4_WD40_9e7mq9LO3 A: beta duplicates or obligate multimersX: beta-propeller-likeH: beta-propellerT: 7-bladedF: ANAPC4_WD40_9ECOD (1.6)
V [auth LO]ANAPC4_WD40_4e7mq9LO1 A: beta duplicates or obligate multimersX: beta-propeller-likeH: beta-propellerT: 7-bladedF: ANAPC4_WD40_4ECOD (1.6)
V [auth LO]Utp12e7mq9LO2 A: alpha superhelicesX: Repetitive alpha hairpinsH: C-terminal tetramerization domain of Utp1/Utp21/Utp12/Utp13 (From Topology)T: C-terminal tetramerization domain of Utp1/Utp21/Utp12/Utp13F: Utp12ECOD (1.6)
W [auth LP]Sufe7mq9LP1 A: alpha superhelicesX: Repetitive alpha hairpinsH: ARM repeat (From Topology)T: ARM repeatF: SufECOD (1.6)
X [auth LQ]ANAPC4_WD40_10e7mq9LQ3 A: beta duplicates or obligate multimersX: beta-propeller-likeH: beta-propellerT: 7-bladedF: ANAPC4_WD40_10ECOD (1.6)
X [auth LQ]ANAPC4_WD40_18e7mq9LQ2 A: beta duplicates or obligate multimersX: beta-propeller-likeH: beta-propellerT: 7-bladedF: ANAPC4_WD40_18ECOD (1.6)
X [auth LQ]Utp12e7mq9LQ1 A: alpha superhelicesX: Repetitive alpha hairpinsH: C-terminal tetramerization domain of Utp1/Utp21/Utp12/Utp13 (From Topology)T: C-terminal tetramerization domain of Utp1/Utp21/Utp12/Utp13F: Utp12ECOD (1.6)
Z [auth LT]ANAPC4_WD40_2e7mq9LT2 A: beta duplicates or obligate multimersX: beta-propeller-likeH: beta-propellerT: 7-bladedF: ANAPC4_WD40_2ECOD (1.6)
Z [auth LT]ANAPC4_WD40_4e7mq9LT1 A: beta duplicates or obligate multimersX: beta-propeller-likeH: beta-propellerT: 7-bladedF: ANAPC4_WD40_4ECOD (1.6)
Z [auth LT]Utp21e7mq9LT3 A: alpha superhelicesX: Repetitive alpha hairpinsH: C-terminal tetramerization domain of Utp1/Utp21/Utp12/Utp13 (From Topology)T: C-terminal tetramerization domain of Utp1/Utp21/Utp12/Utp13F: Utp21ECOD (1.6)
CA [auth LZ]S4e7mq9LZ1 A: a+b two layersX: beta-GraspH: Ubiquitin-relatedT: Alpha-L RNA-binding motifF: S4ECOD (1.6)
HA [auth NF]Ribosomal_S13_Ne7mq9NF1 A: alpha arraysX: HTHH: 40S ribosomal protein S13 N-terminal domain (From Topology)T: 40S ribosomal protein S13 N-terminal domainF: Ribosomal_S13_NECOD (1.6)
HA [auth NF]Ribosomal_S15_2e7mq9NF2 A: alpha arraysX: S15/NS1 RNA-binding domain (From Topology)H: S15/NS1 RNA-binding domain (From Topology)T: S15/NS1 RNA-binding domainF: Ribosomal_S15_2ECOD (1.6)
IA [auth NG]Ribosomal_S11e7mq9NG1 A: mixed a+b and a/bX: Ribonuclease H-likeH: Ribonuclease H-like (From Topology)T: Ribonuclease H-likeF: Ribosomal_S11ECOD (1.6)
JA [auth NJ]tRNA_bind_2e7mq9NJ4 A: alpha arraysX: HTHH: HTHT: tri-helicalF: tRNA_bind_2ECOD (1.6)
JA [auth NJ]GNAT_acetyltr_2e7mq9NJ3 A: a+b three layersX: Nat/IvyH: Acyl-CoA N-acyltransferases (Nat) (From Topology)T: Acyl-CoA N-acyltransferases (Nat)F: GNAT_acetyltr_2ECOD (1.6)
JA [auth NJ]DUF1726e7mq9NJ1 A: a/b three-layered sandwichesX: P-loop domains-likeH: P-loop domains-relatedT: P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolasesF: DUF1726ECOD (1.6)
JA [auth NJ]Helicase_RecDe7mq9NJ2 A: a/b three-layered sandwichesX: P-loop domains-likeH: P-loop domains-relatedT: P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolasesF: Helicase_RecDECOD (1.6)
SB [auth NK]tRNA_bind_2e7mq9NK4 A: alpha arraysX: HTHH: HTHT: tri-helicalF: tRNA_bind_2ECOD (1.6)
SB [auth NK]GNAT_acetyltr_2e7mq9NK1 A: a+b three layersX: Nat/IvyH: Acyl-CoA N-acyltransferases (Nat) (From Topology)T: Acyl-CoA N-acyltransferases (Nat)F: GNAT_acetyltr_2ECOD (1.6)
SB [auth NK]DUF1726e7mq9NK3 A: a/b three-layered sandwichesX: P-loop domains-likeH: P-loop domains-relatedT: P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolasesF: DUF1726ECOD (1.6)
SB [auth NK]Helicase_RecDe7mq9NK2 A: a/b three-layered sandwichesX: P-loop domains-likeH: P-loop domains-relatedT: P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolasesF: Helicase_RecDECOD (1.6)
KA [auth NM]Ribosomal_S3Ae_Ne7mq9NM2 A: beta barrelsX: Ribosomal protein L25-likeH: 40S ribosomal protein S3A N-terminal domain (From Topology)T: 40S ribosomal protein S3A N-terminal domainF: Ribosomal_S3Ae_NECOD (1.6)
KA [auth NM]Ribosomal_S3Ae_Ce7mq9NM1 A: a+b two layersX: T-foldH: 40S ribosomal protein S3A C-terminal domain (From Topology)T: 40S ribosomal protein S3A C-terminal domainF: Ribosomal_S3Ae_CECOD (1.6)
MA [auth NO]Ribosomal_S8_N_1e7mq9NO2 A: a+b two layersX: R3H domain-likeH: Ribosomal protein S8, N-terminal domain (From Topology)T: Ribosomal protein S8, N-terminal domainF: Ribosomal_S8_N_1ECOD (1.6)
MA [auth NO]Ribosomal_S8_C_1e7mq9NO1 A: a+b two layersX: Ribosomal protein S8, C-terminal domain (From Topology)H: Ribosomal protein S8, C-terminal domain (From Topology)T: Ribosomal protein S8, C-terminal domainF: Ribosomal_S8_C_1ECOD (1.6)
NA [auth NQ]Ribosomal_S27ee7mq9NQ1 A: few secondary structure elementsX: Rubredoxin-likeH: Rubredoxin-relatedT: Rubredoxin-relatedF: Ribosomal_S27eECOD (1.6)
PA [auth NT]Ribosomal_S27e7mq9NT1 A: few secondary structure elementsX: Rubredoxin-likeH: Rubredoxin-relatedT: Rubredoxin-relatedF: Ribosomal_S27ECOD (1.6)
QA [auth NU]Ribosomal_S17ee7mq9NU1 A: alpha arraysX: HTHH: HTHT: FF domainF: Ribosomal_S17eECOD (1.6)
RA [auth NW]ANAPC4_WD40_8e7mq9NW1 A: beta duplicates or obligate multimersX: beta-propeller-likeH: beta-propellerT: 8-bladedF: ANAPC4_WD40_8ECOD (1.6)
SANop_Ce7mq9SA1 A: alpha arraysX: HhH/H2THH: SAM/DNA-glycosylaseT: Nop C-terminal domainF: Nop_CECOD (1.6)
SANop_Ne7mq9SA2 A: alpha complex topologyX: Nop N-terminal domain (From Topology)H: Nop N-terminal domain (From Topology)T: Nop N-terminal domainF: Nop_NECOD (1.6)
SANOP5NTe7mq9SA3 A: mixed a+b and a/bX: Nop N-terminal domain (From Topology)H: Nop N-terminal domain (From Topology)T: Nop N-terminal domainF: NOP5NTECOD (1.6)
UA [auth SC]Fibrillarine7mq9SC1 A: a/b three-layered sandwichesX: Rossmann-likeH: Rossmann-relatedT: S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferasesF: FibrillarinECOD (1.6)
VA [auth SD]Fibrillarine7mq9SD1 A: a/b three-layered sandwichesX: Rossmann-likeH: Rossmann-relatedT: S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferasesF: FibrillarinECOD (1.6)
WA [auth SE]Ribosomal_L7Ae_1e7mq9SE1 A: a+b three layersX: Bacillus chorismate mutase-likeH: L30e-like (From Topology)T: L30e-likeF: Ribosomal_L7Ae_1ECOD (1.6)
XA [auth SF]Ribosomal_L7Ae_1e7mq9SF1 A: a+b three layersX: Bacillus chorismate mutase-likeH: L30e-like (From Topology)T: L30e-likeF: Ribosomal_L7Ae_1ECOD (1.6)
YA [auth SH]RTCe7mq9SH2 A: a+b two layersX: IF3-likeH: EPT/RTPC-like (From Topology)T: EPT/RTPC-likeF: RTCECOD (1.6)
YA [auth SH]RTC_inserte7mq9SH1 A: a+b three layersX: Thioredoxin-likeH: RNA 3'-terminal phosphate cyclase, RPTC, insert domain (From Topology)T: RNA 3'-terminal phosphate cyclase, RPTC, insert domainF: RTC_insertECOD (1.6)
AB [auth SK]EMG1e7mq9SK1 A: a/b three-layered sandwichesX: alpha/beta knot (From Topology)H: alpha/beta knot (From Topology)T: alpha/beta knotF: EMG1ECOD (1.6)
VB [auth SJ]EMG1e7mq9SJ1 A: a/b three-layered sandwichesX: alpha/beta knot (From Topology)H: alpha/beta knot (From Topology)T: alpha/beta knotF: EMG1ECOD (1.6)
EB [auth SR]Ribosom_S12_S23e7mq9SR1 A: beta barrelsX: OB-foldH: Nucleic acid-binding proteins (From Topology)T: Nucleic acid-binding proteinsF: Ribosom_S12_S23ECOD (1.6)
IB [auth NH]Nrap_D2e7mq9NH5 A: alpha arraysX: HhH/H2THH: SAM/DNA-glycosylaseT: PAP/OAS1 substrate-binding domainF: Nrap_D2ECOD (1.6)
IB [auth NH]Nrap_D5e7mq9NH2 A: alpha arraysX: HhH/H2THH: SAM/DNA-glycosylaseT: PAP/OAS1 substrate-binding domainF: Nrap_D5ECOD (1.6)
IB [auth NH]Nrap_D3e7mq9NH4 A: a+b two layersX: Alpha-beta plaitsH: PAP/Archaeal CCA-adding enzyme, C-terminal domain (From Topology)T: PAP/Archaeal CCA-adding enzyme, C-terminal domainF: Nrap_D3ECOD (1.6)
IB [auth NH]Nrap_D6e7mq9NH6 A: a+b two layersX: Alpha-beta plaitsH: PAP/Archaeal CCA-adding enzyme, C-terminal domain (From Topology)T: PAP/Archaeal CCA-adding enzyme, C-terminal domainF: Nrap_D6ECOD (1.6)
IB [auth NH]Nrape7mq9NH1 A: a+b three layersX: Nucleotidyltransferase-likeH: Nucleotidyltransferase (From Topology)T: NucleotidyltransferaseF: NrapECOD (1.6)
IB [auth NH]Nrap_D4e7mq9NH3 A: a+b three layersX: Nucleotidyltransferase-likeH: Nucleotidyltransferase (From Topology)T: NucleotidyltransferaseF: Nrap_D4ECOD (1.6)
KB [auth LR]ANAPC4_WD40_1e7mq9LR2 A: beta duplicates or obligate multimersX: beta-propeller-likeH: beta-propellerT: 7-bladedF: ANAPC4_WD40_1ECOD (1.6)
KB [auth LR]ANAPC4_WD40_11e7mq9LR1 A: beta duplicates or obligate multimersX: beta-propeller-likeH: beta-propellerT: 8-bladedF: ANAPC4_WD40_11ECOD (1.6)
KB [auth LR]Utp13e7mq9LR3 A: alpha superhelicesX: Repetitive alpha hairpinsH: C-terminal tetramerization domain of Utp1/Utp21/Utp12/Utp13 (From Topology)T: C-terminal tetramerization domain of Utp1/Utp21/Utp12/Utp13F: Utp13ECOD (1.6)
PB [auth SW]KH_1e7mq9SW1 A: a+b two layersX: Alpha-lytic protease prodomain-likeH: KH-domainsT: Eukaryotic type KH-domain (KH-domain type I)F: KH_1ECOD (1.6)
PB [auth SW]KOG3273e7mq9SW2 A: a+b two layersX: Alpha-lytic protease prodomain-likeH: KH-domainsT: Eukaryotic type KH-domain (KH-domain type I)F: KOG3273ECOD (1.6)
S [auth LK]Utp12e7mq9LK1 A: alpha superhelicesX: Repetitive alpha hairpinsH: C-terminal tetramerization domain of Utp1/Utp21/Utp12/Utp13 (From Topology)T: C-terminal tetramerization domain of Utp1/Utp21/Utp12/Utp13F: Utp12ECOD (1.6)

Protein Family Annotation Pfam Database Homepage

F [auth L5]PF00177Ribosomal protein S7p/S5e (Ribosomal_S7)Ribosomal protein S7p/S5eThis family contains ribosomal protein S7 from prokaryotes and S5 from eukaryotes. Domain
G [auth L6]PF01092Ribosomal protein S6e (Ribosomal_S6e)Ribosomal protein S6e- Family
I [auth L8]PF01201Ribosomal protein S8e (Ribosomal_S8e)Ribosomal protein S8e- Family
J [auth L9]PF01479S4 domain (S4)S4 domainThe S4 domain is a small domain consisting of 60-65 amino acid residues that was detected in the bacterial ribosomal protein S4, eukaryotic ribosomal S9, two families of pseudouridine synthases, a novel family of predicted RNA methylases, a yeast pro ...Domain
K [auth LA]PF01248Ribosomal protein L7Ae/L30e/S12e/Gadd45 family (Ribosomal_L7Ae)Ribosomal protein L7Ae/L30e/S12e/Gadd45 familyThis family includes: Ribosomal L7A from metazoa, Ribosomal L8-A and L8-B from fungi, 30S ribosomal protein HS6 from archaebacteria, 40S ribosomal protein S12 from eukaryotes, Ribosomal protein L30 from eukaryotes and archaebacteria. Gadd45 and MyD11 ...Domain
L [auth LC]PF00380Ribosomal protein S9/S16 (Ribosomal_S9)Ribosomal protein S9/S16- Family
M [auth LD]PF16205Ribosomal_S17 N-terminal (Ribosomal_S17_N)Ribosomal_S17 N-terminal- Family
M [auth LD]PF00366Ribosomal protein S17 (Ribosomal_S17)Ribosomal protein S17Domain
N [auth LF]PF01282Ribosomal protein S24e (Ribosomal_S24e)Ribosomal protein S24e- Family
O [auth LG]PF01200Ribosomal protein S28e (Ribosomal_S28e)Ribosomal protein S28e- Family
P [auth LH]PF00400WD domain, G-beta repeat (WD40)WD domain, G-beta repeat- Repeat
R [auth LJ]PF09384UTP15 C terminal (UTP15_C)UTP15 C terminal- Family
R [auth LJ]PF00400WD domain, G-beta repeat (WD40)WD domain, G-beta repeat- Repeat
U [auth LN]PF00400WD domain, G-beta repeat (WD40)WD domain, G-beta repeat- Repeat
V [auth LO]PF04003Dip2/Utp12 Family (Utp12)Dip2/Utp12 Family- Family
V [auth LO]PF00400WD domain, G-beta repeat (WD40)WD domain, G-beta repeat- Repeat
W [auth LP]PF08640U3 small nucleolar RNA-associated protein 6 (U3_assoc_6)U3 small nucleolar RNA-associated protein 6- Repeat
X [auth LQ]PF12894Anaphase-promoting complex subunit 4 WD40 domain (ANAPC4_WD40)Anaphase-promoting complex subunit 4 WD40 domain- Repeat
X [auth LQ]PF04003Dip2/Utp12 Family (Utp12)Dip2/Utp12 Family- Family
X [auth LQ]PF00400WD domain, G-beta repeat (WD40)WD domain, G-beta repeat- Repeat
Y [auth LS]PF00400WD domain, G-beta repeat (WD40)WD domain, G-beta repeat- Repeat
Z [auth LT]PF04192Utp21 specific WD40 associated putative domain (Utp21)Utp21 specific WD40 associated putative domainUtp21 is a subunit of U3 snoRNP, which is essential for synthesis of 18S rRNA. Domain
Z [auth LT]PF12894Anaphase-promoting complex subunit 4 WD40 domain (ANAPC4_WD40)Anaphase-promoting complex subunit 4 WD40 domain- Repeat
Z [auth LT]PF00400WD domain, G-beta repeat (WD40)WD domain, G-beta repeat- Repeat
AA [auth LU]PF04158Sof1-like domain (Sof1)Sof1-like domain- Family
AA [auth LU]PF00400WD domain, G-beta repeat (WD40)WD domain, G-beta repeat- Repeat
BA [auth LW]PF08149BING4CT (NUC141) domain (BING4CT)BING4CT (NUC141) domain- Repeat
BA [auth LW]PF00400WD domain, G-beta repeat (WD40)WD domain, G-beta repeat- Repeat
CA [auth LZ]PF00163Ribosomal protein S4/S9 N-terminal domain (Ribosomal_S4)Ribosomal protein S4/S9 N-terminal domain- Family
CA [auth LZ]PF01479S4 domain (S4)S4 domainThe S4 domain is a small domain consisting of 60-65 amino acid residues that was detected in the bacterial ribosomal protein S4, eukaryotic ribosomal S9, two families of pseudouridine synthases, a novel family of predicted RNA methylases, a yeast pro ...Domain
FA [auth ND]PF08157NUC129 domain (NUC129)NUC129 domainThis C terminal domain is found in a novel family of hypothetical nucleolar proteins [1]. Domain
HA [auth NF]PF00312Ribosomal protein S15 (Ribosomal_S15)Ribosomal protein S15Domain
IA [auth NG]PF00411Ribosomal protein S11 (Ribosomal_S11)Ribosomal protein S11- Family
JA [auth NJ],
SB [auth NK]
PF13725Possible tRNA binding domain (tRNA_bind_2)Possible tRNA binding domain- Family
JA [auth NJ],
SB [auth NK]
PF08351tRNA(Met) cytidine acetyltransferase TmcA, N-terminal (TmcA_N)tRNA(Met) cytidine acetyltransferase TmcA, N-terminal- Family
JA [auth NJ],
SB [auth NK]
PF13718GNAT acetyltransferase 2 (GNAT_acetyltr_2)GNAT acetyltransferase 2- Family
JA [auth NJ],
SB [auth NK]
PF05127Helicase (Helicase_RecD)HelicaseThis domain contains a P-loop (Walker A) motif, suggesting that it has ATPase activity, and a Walker B motif. In tRNA(Met) cytidine acetyltransferase (TmcA) it may function as an RNA helicase motor (driven by ATP hydrolysis) which delivers the wobble ...Domain
KA [auth NM]PF01015Ribosomal S3Ae family (Ribosomal_S3Ae)Ribosomal S3Ae family- Family
MA [auth NO]PF00410Ribosomal protein S8 (Ribosomal_S8)Ribosomal protein S8Domain
NA [auth NQ]PF01667Ribosomal protein S27 (Ribosomal_S27e)Ribosomal protein S27- Family
PA [auth NT]PF01599Ribosomal protein S27a (Ribosomal_S27)Ribosomal protein S27aThis family of ribosomal proteins consists mainly of the 40S ribosomal protein S27a which is synthesised as a C-terminal extension of ubiquitin (CEP). The S27a domain compromises the C-terminal half of the protein. The synthesis of ribosomal proteins ...Domain
PF08156NOP5NT (NUC127) domain (NOP5NT)NOP5NT (NUC127) domainThis N terminal domain is found in RNA-binding proteins of the NOP5 family [1]. Domain
PF01798snoRNA binding domain, fibrillarin (Nop)snoRNA binding domain, fibrillarin- Family
TA [auth SB]PF08156NOP5NT (NUC127) domain (NOP5NT)NOP5NT (NUC127) domainThis N terminal domain is found in RNA-binding proteins of the NOP5 family [1]. Domain
TA [auth SB]PF01798snoRNA binding domain, fibrillarin (Nop)snoRNA binding domain, fibrillarin- Family
UA [auth SC],
VA [auth SD]
PF01269Fibrillarin (Fibrillarin)FibrillarinDomain
WA [auth SE],
XA [auth SF]
PF01248Ribosomal protein L7Ae/L30e/S12e/Gadd45 family (Ribosomal_L7Ae)Ribosomal protein L7Ae/L30e/S12e/Gadd45 familyThis family includes: Ribosomal L7A from metazoa, Ribosomal L8-A and L8-B from fungi, 30S ribosomal protein HS6 from archaebacteria, 40S ribosomal protein S12 from eukaryotes, Ribosomal protein L30 from eukaryotes and archaebacteria. Gadd45 and MyD11 ...Domain
YA [auth SH]PF05189RNA 3'-terminal phosphate cyclase (RTC), insert domain (RTC_insert)RNA 3'-terminal phosphate cyclase (RTC), insert domainRNA cyclases are a family of RNA-modifying enzymes that are conserved in all cellular organisms. They catalyse the ATP-dependent conversion of the 3'-phosphate to the 2',3'-cyclic phosphodiester at the end of RNA, in a reaction involving formation o ...Domain
YA [auth SH]PF01137RNA 3'-terminal phosphate cyclase (RTC)RNA 3'-terminal phosphate cyclaseRNA cyclases are a family of RNA-modifying enzymes that are conserved in all cellular organisms. They catalyse the ATP-dependent conversion of the 3'-phosphate to the 2',3'-cyclic phosphodiester at the end of RNA, in a reaction involving formation o ...Domain
ZA [auth SI]PF08142AARP2CN (NUC121) domain (AARP2CN)AARP2CN (NUC121) domainThis domain is the central domain of AARP2. It is weakly similar to the GTP-binding domain of elongation factor TU [1]. Domain
AB [auth SK],
VB [auth SJ]
PF03587EMG1/NEP1 methyltransferase (EMG1)EMG1/NEP1 methyltransferase- Family
BB [auth SL]PF04900Fcf1 (Fcf1)Fcf1- Family
CB [auth SM]PF04427Brix domain (Brix)Brix domainDomain
DB [auth SQ]PF08698Fcf2 pre-rRNA processing (Fcf2)Fcf2 pre-rRNA processing- Family
HB [auth SY]PF03998Utp11 protein (Utp11)Utp11 protein- Family
IB [auth NH]PF03813Nrap protein domain 1 (Nrap)Nrap protein domain 1Members of this family are nucleolar RNA-associated proteins (Nrap) which are highly conserved from yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) to human. In the mouse, Nrap is ubiquitously expressed and is specifically localised in the nucleolus [1]. Nrap is a ...Domain
IB [auth NH]PF17403Nrap protein PAP/OAS-like domain (Nrap_D2)Nrap protein PAP/OAS-like domainMembers of this family are nucleolar RNA-associated proteins (Nrap) which are highly conserved from yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) to human. In the mouse, Nrap is ubiquitously expressed and is specifically localised in the nucleolus [1]. Nrap is a ...Domain
IB [auth NH]PF17406Nrap protein PAP/OAS1-like domain 5 (Nrap_D5)Nrap protein PAP/OAS1-like domain 5Members of this family are nucleolar RNA-associated proteins (Nrap) which are highly conserved from yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) to human. In the mouse, Nrap is ubiquitously expressed and is specifically localised in the nucleolus [1]. Nrap is a ...Domain
IB [auth NH]PF17407Nrap protein domain 6 (Nrap_D6)Nrap protein domain 6Members of this family are nucleolar RNA-associated proteins (Nrap) which are highly conserved from yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) to human. In the mouse, Nrap is ubiquitously expressed and is specifically localised in the nucleolus [1]. Nrap is a ...Domain
IB [auth NH]PF17404Nrap protein domain 3 (Nrap_D3)Nrap protein domain 3Members of this family are nucleolar RNA-associated proteins (Nrap) which are highly conserved from yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) to human. In the mouse, Nrap is ubiquitously expressed and is specifically localised in the nucleolus [1]. Nrap is a ...Domain
IB [auth NH]PF17405Nrap protein nucleotidyltransferase domain 4 (Nrap_D4)Nrap protein nucleotidyltransferase domain 4Members of this family are nucleolar RNA-associated proteins (Nrap) which are highly conserved from yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) to human. In the mouse, Nrap is ubiquitously expressed and is specifically localised in the nucleolus [1]. Nrap is a ...Domain
JB [auth SP]PF07539U3 small nucleolar RNA-associated protein 20, N-terminal (UTP20_N)U3 small nucleolar RNA-associated protein 20, N-terminal- Repeat
KB [auth LR]PF00400WD domain, G-beta repeat (WD40)WD domain, G-beta repeat- Repeat
KB [auth LR]PF08625Utp13 specific WD40 associated domain (Utp13)Utp13 specific WD40 associated domainUtp13 is a component of the five protein Pwp2 complex that forms part of a stable particle subunit independent of the U3 small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein that is essential for the initial assembly steps of the 90S pre-ribosome [1]. Pwp2 is capable o ...Domain
LB [auth LM]PF08146BP28CT (NUC211) domain (BP28CT)BP28CT (NUC211) domainThis C terminal domain is found in BAP28-like nucleolar proteins [1]. Domain
LB [auth LM]PF12397U3 small nucleolar RNA-associated protein 10 (U3snoRNP10)U3 small nucleolar RNA-associated protein 10- Family
NB [auth SG]PF00400WD domain, G-beta repeat (WD40)WD domain, G-beta repeat- Repeat
OB [auth NI]PF17799Rrp7 RRM-like N-terminal domain (RRM_Rrp7)Rrp7 RRM-like N-terminal domainThis domain corresponds to the N-terminal RNA-binding domain found in the Rrp7 protein. It has an RRM-like fold with a circular permutation [1]. Domain
OB [auth NI]PF12923Ribosomal RNA-processing protein 7 (RRP7) C-terminal domain (RRP7)Ribosomal RNA-processing protein 7 (RRP7) C-terminal domainRRP7 is an essential protein in yeast that is involved in pre-rRNA processing and ribosome assembly [1]. It is speculated to be required for correct assembly of rpS27 into the pre-ribosomal particle [1-2]. Domain
PB [auth SW]PF22891Eukaryotic type KH-domain (KH-domain type I) (327.11.2) (KH_PNO1_2nd)Eukaryotic type KH-domain (KH-domain type I) (327.11.2)This entry represents the second KH domain found in the PNO1 protein. PNO1 is part of the small subunit (SSU) processome, first precursor of the small eukaryotic ribosomal subunit. Domain
TB [auth NY]PF17903Krr1 KH1 domain (KH_KRR1_1st)Krr1 KH1 domainThis entry represents the first KH domain in the KRR1 protein [1]. Krr1 is a ribosomal assembly factor. The KH1 domain is a divergent KH domain that lacks the RNA-binding GXXG motif and is involved in binding another assembly factor, Kri1 [1]. Domain
TB [auth NY]PF21800KRR1 small subunit processome component, second KH domain (KH_KRR1_2nd)KRR1 small subunit processome component, second KH domainThis is the second K homology domain (KH2) found in KRR1 small subunit processome component from the fungus Chaetomium thermophilum and similar eukaryotic sequences. Domain
S [auth LK],
T [auth LL]
PF04003Dip2/Utp12 Family (Utp12)Dip2/Utp12 Family- Family
S [auth LK],
T [auth LL]
PF00400WD domain, G-beta repeat (WD40)WD domain, G-beta repeat- Repeat

Gene Ontology: Gene Product Annotation Gene Ontology Database Homepage

ChainsPolymerMolecular FunctionBiological ProcessCellular Component
A [auth L0]5'ETS rRNA---
B [auth L1]18S rRNA---
C [auth L2]U3 snoRNA---
D [auth L3]40S ribosomal protein S18---
E [auth L4]40S ribosomal protein S4 X isoform---
F [auth L5]40S ribosomal protein S5
G [auth L6]40S ribosomal protein S6
H [auth L7]40S ribosomal protein S7
I [auth L8]40S ribosomal protein S8
J [auth L9]40S ribosomal protein S9
K [auth LA]40S ribosomal protein S12
L [auth LC]40S ribosomal protein S16
M [auth LD]40S ribosomal protein S11
N [auth LF]40S ribosomal protein S24
O [auth LG]40S ribosomal protein S28
P [auth LH]WD repeat-containing protein 75
Q [auth LI]Nucleolar protein 11---
R [auth LJ]U3 small nucleolar RNA-associated protein 15 homolog
U [auth LN]U3 small nucleolar RNA-associated protein 4 homolog
V [auth LO]Periodic tryptophan protein 2 homolog
W [auth LP]U3 small nucleolar RNA-associated protein 6 homolog
X [auth LQ]WD repeat-containing protein 3
Y [auth LS]U3 small nucleolar RNA-associated protein 18 homolog
Z [auth LT]WD repeat-containing protein 36
AA [auth LU]DDB1- and CUL4-associated factor 13
BA [auth LW]WD repeat-containing protein 46
CA [auth LZ]U3 small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein protein IMP3
DA [auth NA]U3 small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein protein MPP10
EA [auth NB]Something about silencing protein 10
FA [auth ND]Nucleolar protein 7
GA [auth NE]Uncharacterized protein C1orf131
HA [auth NF]40S ribosomal protein S13
IA [auth NG]40S ribosomal protein S14
JA [auth NJ],
SB [auth NK]
RNA cytidine acetyltransferase
KA [auth NM]40S ribosomal protein S3a
LA [auth NN]Protein AATF
MA [auth NO]40S ribosomal protein S15a
NA [auth NQ]40S ribosomal protein S27
OA [auth NR]RRP12-like protein---
PA [auth NT]Ubiquitin-40S ribosomal protein S27a
QA [auth NU]40S ribosomal protein S17
RA [auth NW]Nucleolar protein 10
Nucleolar protein 56
TA [auth SB]Nucleolar protein 58
UA [auth SC],
VA [auth SD]
rRNA 2'-O-methyltransferase fibrillarin
WA [auth SE],
XA [auth SF]
NHP2-like protein 1
YA [auth SH]RNA 3'-terminal phosphate cyclase-like protein
ZA [auth SI]Ribosome biogenesis protein BMS1 homolog
AB [auth SK],
VB [auth SJ]
Ribosomal RNA small subunit methyltransferase NEP1
BB [auth SL]rRNA-processing protein FCF1 homolog
CB [auth SM]U3 small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein protein IMP4
DB [auth SQ]Deoxynucleotidyltransferase terminal-interacting protein 2
EB [auth SR]40S ribosomal protein S23
FB [auth SS]U3 small nucleolar RNA-associated protein 14 homolog A
GB [auth SX]Unassigned peptides---
HB [auth SY]Probable U3 small nucleolar RNA-associated protein 11
IB [auth NH]Nucleolar protein 6
JB [auth SP]Small subunit processome component 20 homolog
KB [auth LR]Transducin beta-like protein 3
LB [auth LM]HEAT repeat-containing protein 1
NB [auth SG]U3 small nucleolar RNA-interacting protein 2
OB [auth NI]Ribosomal RNA-processing protein 7 homolog A
PB [auth SW]RNA-binding protein PNO1
QB [auth ST]Nucleolar protein 14---
RB [auth SU]Nucleolar complex protein 4 homolog---
TB [auth NY]KRR1 small subunit processome component homolog
UB [auth SZ]Bystin---
S [auth LK],
T [auth LL]
WD repeat-containing protein 43
MB [auth N0]5' ETS rRNA---

InterPro: Protein Family Classification InterPro Database Homepage

F [auth L5]IPR023798Small ribosomal subunit protein uS7 domainDomain
F [auth L5]IPR020606Small ribosomal subunit protein uS7, conserved siteConserved Site
F [auth L5]IPR036823Small ribosomal subunit protein uS7 domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
F [auth L5]IPR000235Small ribosomal subunit protein uS7Family
F [auth L5]IPR005716Ribosomal protein uS7, eukaryotic/archaealFamily
G [auth L6]IPR018282Small ribosomal subunit protein eS6, conserved siteConserved Site
G [auth L6]IPR001377Small ribosomal subunit protein eS6Family
G [auth L6]IPR014401Small ribosomal subunit protein eS6-likeFamily
H [auth L7]IPR000554Small ribosomal subunit protein eS7Family
H [auth L7]IPR047861Small ribosomal subunit protein eS7, conserved siteConserved Site
I [auth L8]IPR042563Small ribosomal subunit protein eS8 subdomain, eukaryotesHomologous Superfamily
I [auth L8]IPR022309Ribosomal protein eS8/ribosomal biogenesis NSA2Family
I [auth L8]IPR018283Small ribosomal subunit protein eS8, conserved siteConserved Site
I [auth L8]IPR001047Small ribosomal subunit protein eS8Family
J [auth L9]IPR002942RNA-binding S4 domainDomain
J [auth L9]IPR022801Small ribosomal subunit protein uS4Family
J [auth L9]IPR018079Small ribosomal subunit protein uS4, conserved siteConserved Site
J [auth L9]IPR001912Small ribosomal subunit protein uS4, N-terminalDomain
J [auth L9]IPR005710Small ribosomal subunit protein uS4, eukaryotic/archaealFamily
J [auth L9]IPR036986RNA-binding S4 domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
K [auth LA]IPR000530Small ribosomal subunit protein eS12Family
K [auth LA]IPR004038Ribosomal protein eL8/eL30/eS12/Gadd45Domain
K [auth LA]IPR047860Small ribosomal subunit protein eS12, conserved siteConserved Site
K [auth LA]IPR029064Ribosomal protein eL30-like superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
L [auth LC]IPR020574Small ribosomal subunit protein uS9, conserved siteConserved Site
L [auth LC]IPR020568Ribosomal protein uS5 domain 2-type superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
L [auth LC]IPR000754Small ribosomal subunit protein uS9Family
L [auth LC]IPR014721Small ribosomal subunit protein uS5 domain 2-type fold, subgroupHomologous Superfamily
M [auth LD]IPR019979Small ribosomal subunit protein uS17, conserved siteConserved Site
M [auth LD]IPR032440Small ribosomal subunit protein uS17, N-terminalDomain
M [auth LD]IPR012340Nucleic acid-binding, OB-foldHomologous Superfamily
M [auth LD]IPR000266Small ribosomal subunit protein uS17Family
M [auth LD]IPR028333Small ribosomal subunit protein uS17, archaeal/eukaryoticFamily
N [auth LF]IPR053709Eukaryotic Ribosomal Protein eS24Homologous Superfamily
N [auth LF]IPR001976Small ribosomal subunit protein eS24Family
N [auth LF]IPR012678Ribosomal protein uL23/eL15/eS24 core domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
N [auth LF]IPR018098Small ribosomal subunit protein eS24 conserved siteConserved Site
O [auth LG]IPR028626Ribosomal protein eS28 conserved siteConserved Site
O [auth LG]IPR012340Nucleic acid-binding, OB-foldHomologous Superfamily
O [auth LG]IPR000289Small ribosomal subunit protein eS28Family
P [auth LH]IPR011047Quinoprotein alcohol dehydrogenase-like superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
P [auth LH]IPR001680WD40 repeatRepeat
P [auth LH]IPR053826WD repeat-containing protein 75Family
P [auth LH]IPR015943WD40/YVTN repeat-like-containing domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
R [auth LJ]IPR019775WD40 repeat, conserved siteConserved Site
R [auth LJ]IPR036322WD40-repeat-containing domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
R [auth LJ]IPR001680WD40 repeatRepeat
R [auth LJ]IPR018983U3 small nucleolar RNA-associated protein 15, C-terminalDomain
R [auth LJ]IPR015943WD40/YVTN repeat-like-containing domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
U [auth LN]IPR046351U3 small nucleolar RNA-associated protein 4Family
U [auth LN]IPR036322WD40-repeat-containing domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
U [auth LN]IPR001680WD40 repeatRepeat
U [auth LN]IPR015943WD40/YVTN repeat-like-containing domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
V [auth LO]IPR019775WD40 repeat, conserved siteConserved Site
V [auth LO]IPR007148Small-subunit processome, Utp12Domain
V [auth LO]IPR011047Quinoprotein alcohol dehydrogenase-like superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
V [auth LO]IPR001680WD40 repeatRepeat
V [auth LO]IPR020472G-protein beta WD-40 repeatRepeat
V [auth LO]IPR015943WD40/YVTN repeat-like-containing domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
V [auth LO]IPR027145Periodic tryptophan protein 2Family
W [auth LP]IPR003107HAT (Half-A-TPR) repeatRepeat
W [auth LP]IPR011990Tetratricopeptide-like helical domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
W [auth LP]IPR013949U3 small nucleolar RNA-associated protein 6Family
X [auth LQ]IPR024977Anaphase-promoting complex subunit 4-like, WD40 domainDomain
X [auth LQ]IPR019775WD40 repeat, conserved siteConserved Site
X [auth LQ]IPR007148Small-subunit processome, Utp12Domain
X [auth LQ]IPR036322WD40-repeat-containing domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
X [auth LQ]IPR051570TBC1 domain family involved in cilium biogenesisFamily
X [auth LQ]IPR001680WD40 repeatRepeat
X [auth LQ]IPR020472G-protein beta WD-40 repeatRepeat
X [auth LQ]IPR015943WD40/YVTN repeat-like-containing domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
Y [auth LS]IPR019775WD40 repeat, conserved siteConserved Site
Y [auth LS]IPR036322WD40-repeat-containing domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
Y [auth LS]IPR001680WD40 repeatRepeat
Y [auth LS]IPR015943WD40/YVTN repeat-like-containing domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
Y [auth LS]IPR045161U3 small nucleolar RNA-associated protein 18Family
Z [auth LT]IPR007319Small-subunit processome, Utp21Domain
Z [auth LT]IPR024977Anaphase-promoting complex subunit 4-like, WD40 domainDomain
Z [auth LT]IPR019775WD40 repeat, conserved siteConserved Site
Z [auth LT]IPR036322WD40-repeat-containing domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
Z [auth LT]IPR001680WD40 repeatRepeat
Z [auth LT]IPR015943WD40/YVTN repeat-like-containing domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
AA [auth LU]IPR019775WD40 repeat, conserved siteConserved Site
AA [auth LU]IPR051733WD repeat-containing DCAF13/WDSOF1Family
AA [auth LU]IPR007287Sof1-like proteinDomain
AA [auth LU]IPR036322WD40-repeat-containing domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
AA [auth LU]IPR001680WD40 repeatRepeat
AA [auth LU]IPR015943WD40/YVTN repeat-like-containing domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
BA [auth LW]IPR012952BING4, C-terminal domainDomain
BA [auth LW]IPR001680WD40 repeatRepeat
BA [auth LW]IPR036322WD40-repeat-containing domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
BA [auth LW]IPR015943WD40/YVTN repeat-like-containing domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
BA [auth LW]IPR040315WD repeat-containing protein WDR46/Utp7Family
CA [auth LZ]IPR002942RNA-binding S4 domainDomain
CA [auth LZ]IPR022801Small ribosomal subunit protein uS4Family
CA [auth LZ]IPR001912Small ribosomal subunit protein uS4, N-terminalDomain
CA [auth LZ]IPR036986RNA-binding S4 domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
DA [auth NA]IPR012173U3 small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein complex, subunit Mpp10Family
EA [auth NB]IPR018972Sas10 C-terminal domainDomain
EA [auth NB]IPR007146Sas10/Utp3/C1DFamily
FA [auth ND]IPR012579U3 small nucleolar RNA-associated protein NOL7, C-terminalDomain
GA [auth NE]IPR02797340S small subunit processome assembly factor 1-likeFamily
GA [auth NE]IPR052852SSU Processome ComponentFamily
HA [auth NF]IPR009068uS15/NS1, RNA-binding domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
HA [auth NF]IPR000589Small ribosomal subunit protein uS15Family
HA [auth NF]IPR023029Small ribosomal subunit protein uS15, archaea/eukaryotesFamily
HA [auth NF]IPR012606Small ribosomal subunit protein uS15, N-terminalDomain
IA [auth NG]IPR036967Small ribosomal subunit protein uS11 superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
IA [auth NG]IPR018102Small ribosomal subunit protein uS11, conserved siteConserved Site
IA [auth NG]IPR001971Small ribosomal subunit protein uS11Family
JA [auth NJ],
SB [auth NK]
IPR027992Possible tRNA binding domainDomain
JA [auth NJ],
SB [auth NK]
IPR013562tRNA(Met) cytidine acetyltransferase TmcA, N-terminalDomain
JA [auth NJ],
SB [auth NK]
IPR033688RNA cytidine acetyltransferase NAT10Family
JA [auth NJ],
SB [auth NK]
IPR000182GNAT domainDomain
JA [auth NJ],
SB [auth NK]
IPR027417P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolaseHomologous Superfamily
JA [auth NJ],
SB [auth NK]
IPR007807RNA cytidine acetyltransferase NAT10/TcmA, helicase domainDomain
JA [auth NJ],
SB [auth NK]
JA [auth NJ],
SB [auth NK]
IPR016181Acyl-CoA N-acyltransferaseHomologous Superfamily
KA [auth NM]IPR001593Small ribosomal subunit protein eS1Family
KA [auth NM]IPR018281Small ribosomal subunit protein eS1, conserved siteConserved Site
KA [auth NM]IPR027500Small ribosomal subunit protein eS1, eukaryotesFamily
LA [auth NN]IPR012617Apoptosis-antagonizing transcription factor, C-terminalDomain
LA [auth NN]IPR025160AATF leucine zipper-containing domainDomain
LA [auth NN]IPR039223Protein AATF/Bfr2Family
MA [auth NO]IPR047863Small ribosomal subunit protein uS8, conserved siteConserved Site
MA [auth NO]IPR000630Small ribosomal subunit protein uS8Family
MA [auth NO]IPR035987Small ribosomal subunit protein uS8 superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
NA [auth NQ]IPR023407Small ribosomal subunit protein eS27, zinc-binding domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
NA [auth NQ]IPR000592Small ribosomal subunit protein eS27Family
NA [auth NQ]IPR011332Zinc-binding ribosomal proteinHomologous Superfamily
PA [auth NT]IPR019954Ubiquitin conserved siteConserved Site
PA [auth NT]IPR050158Ubiquitin and ubiquitin-likeFamily
PA [auth NT]IPR011332Zinc-binding ribosomal proteinHomologous Superfamily
PA [auth NT]IPR000626Ubiquitin-like domainDomain
PA [auth NT]IPR038582Small ribosomal subunit protein eS31 eukaryotic-type superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
PA [auth NT]IPR002906Small ribosomal subunit protein eS31Domain
PA [auth NT]IPR019956Ubiquitin domainDomain
PA [auth NT]IPR029071Ubiquitin-like domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
QA [auth NU]IPR001210Small ribosomal subunit protein eS17Family
QA [auth NU]IPR036401Small ribosomal subunit protein eS17 superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
QA [auth NU]IPR018273Small ribosomal subunit protein eS17, conserved siteConserved Site
RA [auth NW]IPR001680WD40 repeatRepeat
RA [auth NW]IPR040382Nucleolar protein 10/Enp2Family
RA [auth NW]IPR012580NUC153Domain
RA [auth NW]IPR036322WD40-repeat-containing domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
RA [auth NW]IPR015943WD40/YVTN repeat-like-containing domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
IPR042239Nop, C-terminal domainHomologous Superfamily
IPR012974Nucleolar protein 58/56, N-terminalDomain
IPR002687Nop domainDomain
IPR036070Nop domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
IPR045056Nucleolar protein Nop56/Nop58Family
TA [auth SB]IPR042239Nop, C-terminal domainHomologous Superfamily
TA [auth SB]IPR012974Nucleolar protein 58/56, N-terminalDomain
TA [auth SB]IPR002687Nop domainDomain
TA [auth SB]IPR012976NOSICDomain
TA [auth SB]IPR036070Nop domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
TA [auth SB]IPR045056Nucleolar protein Nop56/Nop58Family
UA [auth SC],
VA [auth SD]
IPR020813Fibrillarin, conserved siteConserved Site
UA [auth SC],
VA [auth SD]
IPR000692rRNA 2'-O-methyltransferase fibrillarin-likeFamily
UA [auth SC],
VA [auth SD]
IPR029063S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferase superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
WA [auth SE],
XA [auth SF]
IPR002415H/ACA ribonucleoprotein complex, subunit Nhp2-likeFamily
WA [auth SE],
XA [auth SF]
IPR029064Ribosomal protein eL30-like superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
WA [auth SE],
XA [auth SF]
IPR018492Ribosomal protein eL8/Nhp2 familyFamily
WA [auth SE],
XA [auth SF]
IPR050257Large ribosomal subunit protein eL8/uL1-likeFamily
WA [auth SE],
XA [auth SF]
IPR004038Ribosomal protein eL8/eL30/eS12/Gadd45Domain
WA [auth SE],
XA [auth SF]
IPR004037Large ribosomal subunit protein eL8-like, conserved siteConserved Site
YA [auth SH]IPR013792RNA 3'-terminal phosphate cyclase/enolpyruvate transferase, alpha/betaHomologous Superfamily
YA [auth SH]IPR023797RNA 3'-terminal phosphate cyclase domainDomain
YA [auth SH]IPR000228RNA 3'-terminal phosphate cyclaseFamily
YA [auth SH]IPR020719RNA 3'-terminal phosphate cyclase-like, conserved siteConserved Site
YA [auth SH]IPR037136RNA 3'-terminal phosphate cyclase domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
YA [auth SH]IPR016443RNA 3'-terminal phosphate cyclase type 2Family
YA [auth SH]IPR013791RNA 3'-terminal phosphate cyclase, insert domainDomain
YA [auth SH]IPR036553RNA 3'-terminal phosphate cyclase, insert domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
ZA [auth SI]IPR007034Ribosome biogenesis protein BMS1/TSR1, C-terminalDomain
ZA [auth SI]IPR030387Bms1/Tsr1-type G domainDomain
ZA [auth SI]IPR039761Ribosome biogenesis protein Bms1/Tsr1Family
ZA [auth SI]IPR012948AARP2CNDomain
ZA [auth SI]IPR037875Ribosome biogenesis protein Bms1, N-terminalDomain
ZA [auth SI]IPR027417P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolaseHomologous Superfamily
AB [auth SK],
VB [auth SJ]
IPR029026tRNA (guanine-N1-)-methyltransferase, N-terminalHomologous Superfamily
AB [auth SK],
VB [auth SJ]
IPR005304Ribosomal biogenesis, methyltransferase, EMG1/NEP1Family
AB [auth SK],
VB [auth SJ]
IPR029028Alpha/beta knot methyltransferasesHomologous Superfamily
BB [auth SL]IPR002716PIN domainDomain
BB [auth SL]IPR029060PIN-like domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
BB [auth SL]IPR006984rRNA-processing protein Fcf1/Utp23Family
BB [auth SL]IPR037503rRNA-processing protein Fcf1, PIN domainDomain
CB [auth SM]IPR044281U3 snoRNP protein/Ribosome production factor 1Family
CB [auth SM]IPR007109Brix domainDomain
DB [auth SQ]IPR039883Fcf2/DNTTIP2Family
DB [auth SQ]IPR014810Fcf2 pre-rRNA processing, C-terminalDomain
EB [auth SR]IPR006032Small ribosomal subunit protein uS12Family
EB [auth SR]IPR012340Nucleic acid-binding, OB-foldHomologous Superfamily
EB [auth SR]IPR005680Small ribosomal subunit protein uS12, eukaryotic/archaealFamily
FB [auth SS]IPR006709Small-subunit processome, Utp14Family
HB [auth SY]IPR007144Small-subunit processome, Utp11Family
IB [auth NH]IPR035367Nrap protein, domain 2Domain
IB [auth NH]IPR035368Nrap protein, domain 3Domain
IB [auth NH]IPR035370Nrap protein, domain 5Domain
IB [auth NH]IPR005554NOL6/Upt22Family
IB [auth NH]IPR035369Nrap protein, domain 4Domain
IB [auth NH]IPR035082Nrap protein domain 1Domain
IB [auth NH]IPR035371Nrap protein, domain 6Domain
JB [auth SP]IPR016024Armadillo-type foldHomologous Superfamily
JB [auth SP]IPR011430U3 small nucleolar RNA-associated protein 20, N-terminalDomain
JB [auth SP]IPR046523U3 small nucleolar RNA-associated protein 20, C-terminalDomain
JB [auth SP]IPR052575Small subunit processome component 20Family
KB [auth LR]IPR019775WD40 repeat, conserved siteConserved Site
KB [auth LR]IPR011044Quinoprotein amine dehydrogenase, beta chain-likeHomologous Superfamily
KB [auth LR]IPR013934U3 small nucleolar RNA-associated protein 13, C-terminalDomain
KB [auth LR]IPR036322WD40-repeat-containing domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
KB [auth LR]IPR001680WD40 repeatRepeat
KB [auth LR]IPR020472G-protein beta WD-40 repeatRepeat
KB [auth LR]IPR015943WD40/YVTN repeat-like-containing domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
LB [auth LM]IPR016024Armadillo-type foldHomologous Superfamily
LB [auth LM]IPR040191U3 small nucleolar RNA-associated protein 10Family
LB [auth LM]IPR011989Armadillo-like helicalHomologous Superfamily
LB [auth LM]IPR022125U3 small nucleolar RNA-associated protein 10, N-terminalDomain
LB [auth LM]IPR012954BP28, C-terminal domainDomain
NB [auth SG]IPR019775WD40 repeat, conserved siteConserved Site
NB [auth SG]IPR036322WD40-repeat-containing domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
NB [auth SG]IPR039241Ribosomal RNA-processing protein Rrp9-likeFamily
NB [auth SG]IPR001680WD40 repeatRepeat
NB [auth SG]IPR020472G-protein beta WD-40 repeatRepeat
NB [auth SG]IPR015943WD40/YVTN repeat-like-containing domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
OB [auth NI]IPR040446Ribosomal RNA-processing protein 7Family
OB [auth NI]IPR012677Nucleotide-binding alpha-beta plait domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
OB [auth NI]IPR040447Rrp7, RRM-like N-terminal domainDomain
OB [auth NI]IPR024326Ribosomal RNA-processing protein 7, C-terminal domainDomain
OB [auth NI]IPR035979RNA-binding domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
OB [auth NI]IPR034890Rrp7A, RNA recognition motifDomain
PB [auth SW]IPR004087K Homology domainDomain
PB [auth SW]IPR055211PNO1, second type I KH domainDomain
PB [auth SW]IPR036612K Homology domain, type 1 superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
PB [auth SW]IPR055212PNO1, first type I KH domainDomain
TB [auth NY]IPR041174KRR1 small subunit processome component, first KH domainDomain
TB [auth NY]IPR024166Ribosomal RNA assembly KRR1Family
TB [auth NY]IPR004087K Homology domainDomain
TB [auth NY]IPR048550KRR1 small subunit processome component, first KH domain, eukaryotesDomain
TB [auth NY]IPR036612K Homology domain, type 1 superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
TB [auth NY]IPR048548KRR1 small subunit processome component, second KH domainDomain
TB [auth NY]IPR048549KRR1 small subunit processome component, second KH domain, eukaryotesDomain
S [auth LK],
T [auth LL]
IPR007148Small-subunit processome, Utp12Domain
S [auth LK],
T [auth LL]
IPR036322WD40-repeat-containing domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily
S [auth LK],
T [auth LL]
IPR001680WD40 repeatRepeat
S [auth LK],
T [auth LL]
IPR052414U3 small nucleolar RNA-associated WD repeat-containing proteinFamily
S [auth LK],
T [auth LL]
IPR015943WD40/YVTN repeat-like-containing domain superfamilyHomologous Superfamily

Pharos: Disease Associations Pharos Homepage Annotation

ChainsDrug Target  Associated Disease
F [auth L5]PharosP46782
G [auth L6]PharosP62753
H [auth L7]PharosP62081
I [auth L8]PharosP62241
J [auth L9]PharosP46781
K [auth LA]PharosP25398
L [auth LC]PharosP62249
M [auth LD]PharosP62280
N [auth LF]PharosP62847
O [auth LG]PharosP62857
P [auth LH]PharosQ8IWA0
R [auth LJ]PharosQ8TED0
U [auth LN]PharosQ969X6
V [auth LO]PharosQ15269
W [auth LP]PharosQ9NYH9
X [auth LQ]PharosQ9UNX4
Y [auth LS]PharosQ9Y5J1
Z [auth LT]PharosQ8NI36
AA [auth LU]PharosQ9NV06
BA [auth LW]PharosO15213
CA [auth LZ]PharosQ9NV31
DA [auth NA]PharosO00566
EA [auth NB]PharosQ9NQZ2
FA [auth ND]PharosQ9UMY1
GA [auth NE]PharosQ8NDD1
HA [auth NF]PharosP62277
IA [auth NG]PharosP62263
JA [auth NJ],
SB [auth NK]
LA [auth NN]PharosQ9NY61
MA [auth NO]PharosP62244
NA [auth NQ]PharosP42677
PA [auth NT]PharosP62979
QA [auth NU]PharosP08708
RA [auth NW]PharosQ9BSC4
TA [auth SB]PharosQ9Y2X3
UA [auth SC],
VA [auth SD]
WA [auth SE],
XA [auth SF]
YA [auth SH]PharosQ9Y2P8
ZA [auth SI]PharosQ14692
AB [auth SK],
VB [auth SJ]
BB [auth SL]PharosQ9Y324
CB [auth SM]PharosQ96G21
DB [auth SQ]PharosQ5QJE6
EB [auth SR]PharosP62266
FB [auth SS]PharosQ9BVJ6
HB [auth SY]PharosQ9Y3A2
IB [auth NH]PharosQ9H6R4
JB [auth SP]PharosO75691
KB [auth LR]PharosQ12788
LB [auth LM]PharosQ9H583
NB [auth SG]PharosO43818
OB [auth NI]PharosQ9Y3A4
PB [auth SW]PharosQ9NRX1
TB [auth NY]PharosQ13601
S [auth LK],
T [auth LL]