A [auth BA] | PF03946 | Ribosomal protein L11, N-terminal domain (Ribosomal_L11_N) | Ribosomal protein L11, N-terminal domain | The N-terminal domain of Ribosomal protein L11 adopts an alpha/beta fold and is followed by the RNA binding C-terminal domain. | Domain |
A [auth BA] | PF00298 | Ribosomal protein L11, RNA binding domain (Ribosomal_L11) | Ribosomal protein L11, RNA binding domain | | Domain |
J [auth LG] | PF00238 | Ribosomal protein L14p/L23e (Ribosomal_L14) | Ribosomal protein L14p/L23e | | Domain |
K [auth LL] | PF01778 | Ribosomal L28e protein family (Ribosomal_L28e) | Ribosomal L28e protein family | - | Family |
N [auth LT] | PF01247 | Ribosomal protein L35Ae (Ribosomal_L35Ae) | Ribosomal protein L35Ae | | Domain |
O [auth NB] | PF08701 | GNL3L/Grn1 putative GTPase (GN3L_Grn1) | GNL3L/Grn1 putative GTPase | - | Family |
P [auth NC] | PF08153 | NGP1NT (NUC091) domain (NGP1NT) | NGP1NT (NUC091) domain | This N terminal domain is found in a subfamily of hypothetical nucleolar GTP-binding proteins similar to human NGP1 [1]. | Domain |
P [auth NC] | PF01926 | 50S ribosome-binding GTPase (MMR_HSR1) | 50S ribosome-binding GTPase | - | Family |
Q [auth ND] | PF04427 | Brix domain (Brix) | Brix domain | | Domain |
R [auth NF] | PF01201 | Ribosomal protein S8e (Ribosomal_S8e) | Ribosomal protein S8e | - | Family |
S [auth NJ] | PF08154 | NLE (NUC135) domain (NLE) | NLE (NUC135) domain | This domain is located N terminal to WD40 repeats. It is found in the microtubule-associated protein Swiss:Q12024 [1]. | Domain |
S [auth NJ] | PF00400 | WD domain, G-beta repeat (WD40) | WD domain, G-beta repeat | - | Repeat |
T [auth NK] | PF10169 | LLP homolog (LLPH) | LLP homolog | - | Family |
U [auth NZ] | PF03879 | Cgr1 family (Cgr1) | Cgr1 family | - | Coiled-coil |
V [auth SA] | PF14374 | 60S ribosomal protein L4 C-terminal domain (Ribos_L4_asso_C) | 60S ribosomal protein L4 C-terminal domain | This family is found at the very C-terminal of 60 ribosomal L4 proteins. | Domain |
V [auth SA] | PF00573 | Ribosomal protein L4/L1 family (Ribosomal_L4) | Ribosomal protein L4/L1 family | - | Family |
W [auth SB] | PF17144 | Ribosomal large subunit proteins 60S L5, and 50S L18 (Ribosomal_L5e) | Ribosomal large subunit proteins 60S L5, and 50S L18 | - | Family |
W [auth SB] | PF14204 | Ribosomal L18 C-terminal region (Ribosomal_L18_c) | Ribosomal L18 C-terminal region | This domain is the C-terminal end of ribosomal L18/L5 proteins. | Domain |
X [auth SC] | PF01159 | Ribosomal protein L6e (Ribosomal_L6e) | Ribosomal protein L6e | - | Family |
Y [auth SD] | PF00327 | Ribosomal protein L30p/L7e (Ribosomal_L30) | Ribosomal protein L30p/L7e | This family includes prokaryotic L30 and eukaryotic L7. | Domain |
Z [auth SG] | PF00347 | Ribosomal protein L6 (Ribosomal_L6) | Ribosomal protein L6 | | Domain |
AA [auth SK] | PF01912 | eIF-6 family (eIF-6) | eIF-6 family | - | Family |
BA [auth SQ] | PF17777 | Insertion domain in 60S ribosomal protein L10P (RL10P_insert) | Insertion domain in 60S ribosomal protein L10P | This domain is found in prokaryotic and archaeal ribosomal L10 protein [1]. | Domain |
BA [auth SQ] | PF00466 | Ribosomal protein L10 (Ribosomal_L10) | Ribosomal protein L10 | - | Family |
CA [auth SR] | PF08155 | NOGCT (NUC087) domain (NOGCT) | NOGCT (NUC087) domain | This C terminal domain is found in the NOG subfamily of nucleolar GTP-binding proteins [1]. | Domain |
CA [auth SR] | PF17835 | NOG1 N-terminal helical domain (NOG1_N) | NOG1 N-terminal helical domain | This domain is found at the N-terminus of NOG1 GTPase proteins. | Domain |
CA [auth SR] | PF06858 | Nucleolar GTP-binding protein 1 (NOG1) (NOG1) | Nucleolar GTP-binding protein 1 (NOG1) | - | Family |
DA [auth ST] | PF04939 | Ribosome biogenesis regulatory protein (RRS1) (RRS1) | Ribosome biogenesis regulatory protein (RRS1) | - | Family |
EA [auth SV] | PF01246 | Ribosomal protein L24e (Ribosomal_L24e) | Ribosomal protein L24e | | Domain |
D [auth L5] | PF00281 | Ribosomal protein L5 (Ribosomal_L5) | Ribosomal protein L5 | | Domain |
D [auth L5] | PF00673 | ribosomal L5P family C-terminus (Ribosomal_L5_C) | ribosomal L5P family C-terminus | This region is found associated with Pfam:PF00281. | Domain |
E [auth L7] | PF00572 | Ribosomal protein L13 (Ribosomal_L13) | Ribosomal protein L13 | - | Family |
F [auth L8] | PF01929 | Ribosomal protein L14 (Ribosomal_L14e) | Ribosomal protein L14 | - | Family |
G [auth LB] | PF17135 | Ribosomal protein 60S L18 and 50S L18e (Ribosomal_L18) | Ribosomal protein 60S L18 and 50S L18e | - | Family |
H [auth LC] | PF01775 | Ribosomal proteins 50S-L18Ae/60S-L20/60S-L18A (Ribosomal_L18A) | Ribosomal proteins 50S-L18Ae/60S-L20/60S-L18A | This family includes: archaeal 50S ribosomal protein L18Ae, often referred to as L20e or LX; fungal 60S ribosomal protein L20; and higher eukaryote 60S ribosomal protein L18A. | Domain |