PF00238 Ribosomal protein L14p/L23e (Ribosomal_L14) Ribosomal protein L14p/L23e Domain PF01246 Ribosomal protein L24e (Ribosomal_L24e) Ribosomal protein L24e Domain C [auth D] PF16906 Ribosomal proteins L26 eukaryotic, L24P archaeal (Ribosomal_L26) Ribosomal proteins L26 eukaryotic, L24P archaeal - Family C [auth D] PF00467 KOW motif (KOW) KOW motif - Family F [auth G] PF03947 Ribosomal Proteins L2, C-terminal domain (Ribosomal_L2_C) Ribosomal Proteins L2, C-terminal domain Domain F [auth G] PF01779 Ribosomal L29e protein family (Ribosomal_L29e) Ribosomal L29e protein family - Family F [auth G] PF00181 Ribosomal Proteins L2, RNA binding domain (Ribosomal_L2) Ribosomal Proteins L2, RNA binding domain Domain H [auth I] PF14374 60S ribosomal protein L4 C-terminal domain (Ribos_L4_asso_C) 60S ribosomal protein L4 C-terminal domain This family is found at the very C-terminal of 60 ribosomal L4 proteins. Domain H [auth I] PF01198 Ribosomal protein L31e (Ribosomal_L31e) Ribosomal protein L31e - Family H [auth I] PF00573 Ribosomal protein L4/L1 family (Ribosomal_L4) Ribosomal protein L4/L1 family - Family J [auth K] PF01247 Ribosomal protein L35Ae (Ribosomal_L35Ae) Ribosomal protein L35Ae Domain J [auth K] PF01159 Ribosomal protein L6e (Ribosomal_L6e) Ribosomal protein L6e - Family L [auth M] PF00831 Ribosomal L29 protein (Ribosomal_L29) Ribosomal L29 protein - Family O [auth P] PF00281 Ribosomal protein L5 (Ribosomal_L5) Ribosomal protein L5 Domain O [auth P] PF01781 Ribosomal L38e protein family (Ribosomal_L38e) Ribosomal L38e protein family - Family O [auth P] PF00673 ribosomal L5P family C-terminus (Ribosomal_L5_C) ribosomal L5P family C-terminus This region is found associated with Pfam:PF00281. Domain R [auth S] PF05162 Ribosomal protein L41 (Ribosomal_L41) Ribosomal protein L41 - Family R [auth S] PF00827 Ribosomal L15 (Ribosomal_L15e) Ribosomal L15 - Family T [auth U] PF00237 Ribosomal protein L22p/L17e (Ribosomal_L22) Ribosomal protein L22p/L17e This family includes L22 from prokaryotes and chloroplasts and L17 from eukaryotes. Domain T [auth U] PF01780 Ribosomal L37ae protein family (Ribosomal_L37ae) Ribosomal L37ae protein family - Family U [auth V] PF01778 Ribosomal L28e protein family (Ribosomal_L28e) Ribosomal L28e protein family - Family U [auth V] PF17135 Ribosomal protein 60S L18 and 50S L18e (Ribosomal_L18) Ribosomal protein 60S L18 and 50S L18e - Family AB [auth 1] PF00900 Ribosomal family S4e (Ribosomal_S4e) Ribosomal family S4e - Family AB [auth 1] PF16121 40S ribosomal protein S4 C-terminus (40S_S4_C) 40S ribosomal protein S4 C-terminus - Family AB [auth 1] PF08071 RS4NT (NUC023) domain (RS4NT) RS4NT (NUC023) domain This is the N-terminal domain of Ribosomal S4 / S4e proteins. This domain is associated with S4 and KOW domains [1]. Domain AB [auth 1] PF00467 KOW motif (KOW) KOW motif - Family BB [auth 2] PF00177 Ribosomal protein S7p/S5e (Ribosomal_S7) Ribosomal protein S7p/S5e This family contains ribosomal protein S7 from prokaryotes and S5 from eukaryotes. Domain DB [auth 4] PF01251 Ribosomal protein S7e (Ribosomal_S7e) Ribosomal protein S7e - Family FB [auth 6] PF00163 Ribosomal protein S4/S9 N-terminal domain (Ribosomal_S4) Ribosomal protein S4/S9 N-terminal domain - Family FB [auth 6] PF01479 S4 domain (S4) S4 domain The S4 domain is a small domain consisting of 60-65 amino acid residues that was detected in the bacterial ribosomal protein S4, eukaryotic ribosomal S9, two families of pseudouridine synthases, a novel family of predicted RNA methylases, a yeast pro ... The S4 domain is a small domain consisting of 60-65 amino acid residues that was detected in the bacterial ribosomal protein S4, eukaryotic ribosomal S9, two families of pseudouridine synthases, a novel family of predicted RNA methylases, a yeast protein containing a pseudouridine synthetase and a deaminase domain, bacterial tyrosyl-tRNA synthetases, and a number of uncharacterized, small proteins that may be involved in translation regulation [1]. The S4 domain probably mediates binding to RNA. Less Domain HB [auth 8] PF16205 Ribosomal_S17 N-terminal (Ribosomal_S17_N) Ribosomal_S17 N-terminal - Family HB [auth 8] PF00366 Ribosomal protein S17 (Ribosomal_S17) Ribosomal protein S17 Domain IB [auth 9] PF00312 Ribosomal protein S15 (Ribosomal_S15) Ribosomal protein S15 Domain JB [auth AA] PF00411 Ribosomal protein S11 (Ribosomal_S11) Ribosomal protein S11 - Family KB [auth AB] PF00203 Ribosomal protein S19 (Ribosomal_S19) Ribosomal protein S19 Domain OB [auth AF] PF01090 Ribosomal protein S19e (Ribosomal_S19e) Ribosomal protein S19e - Family PB [auth AG] PF00338 Ribosomal protein S10p/S20e (Ribosomal_S10) Ribosomal protein S10p/S20e This family includes small ribosomal subunit S10 from prokaryotes and S20 from eukaryotes. Domain QB [auth AH] PF01249 Ribosomal protein S21e (Ribosomal_S21e) Ribosomal protein S21e - Family SB [auth AJ] PF00164 Ribosomal protein S12/S23 (Ribosom_S12_S23) Ribosomal protein S12/S23 This protein is known as S12 in bacteria and archaea and S23 in eukaryotes. Domain TB [auth AK] PF01282 Ribosomal protein S24e (Ribosomal_S24e) Ribosomal protein S24e - Family WB [auth AN] PF01667 Ribosomal protein S27 (Ribosomal_S27e) Ribosomal protein S27 - Family K [auth L] PF00327 Ribosomal protein L30p/L7e (Ribosomal_L30) Ribosomal protein L30p/L7e This family includes prokaryotic L30 and eukaryotic L7. Domain M [auth N] PF00347 Ribosomal protein L6 (Ribosomal_L6) Ribosomal protein L6 Domain M [auth N] PF01158 Ribosomal protein L36e (Ribosomal_L36e) Ribosomal protein L36e - Family N [auth O] PF01907 Ribosomal protein L37e (Ribosomal_L37e) Ribosomal protein L37e - Family N [auth O] PF00252 Ribosomal protein L16p/L10e (Ribosomal_L16) Ribosomal protein L16p/L10e Domain P [auth Q] PF00832 Ribosomal L39 protein (Ribosomal_L39) Ribosomal L39 protein - Family P [auth Q] PF01294 Ribosomal protein L13e (Ribosomal_L13e) Ribosomal protein L13e - Family Q [auth R] PF01020 Ribosomal L40e family (Ribosomal_L40e) Ribosomal L40e family - Family Q [auth R] PF01929 Ribosomal protein L14 (Ribosomal_L14e) Ribosomal protein L14 - Family S [auth T] PF00935 Ribosomal protein L44 (Ribosomal_L44) Ribosomal protein L44 - Family S [auth T] PF00572 Ribosomal protein L13 (Ribosomal_L13) Ribosomal protein L13 - Family V [auth W] PF01280 Ribosomal protein L19e (Ribosomal_L19e) Ribosomal protein L19e - Family W [auth X] PF00318 Ribosomal protein S2 (Ribosomal_S2) Ribosomal protein S2 - Family W [auth X] PF01775 Ribosomal proteins 50S-L18Ae/60S-L20/60S-L18A (Ribosomal_L18A) Ribosomal proteins 50S-L18Ae/60S-L20/60S-L18A This family includes: archaeal 50S ribosomal protein L18Ae, often referred to as L20e or LX; fungal 60S ribosomal protein L20; and higher eukaryote 60S ribosomal protein L18A. Domain Y [auth Z] PF00333 Ribosomal protein S5, N-terminal domain (Ribosomal_S5) Ribosomal protein S5, N-terminal domain Domain D [auth E] PF01777 Ribosomal L27e protein family (Ribosomal_L27e) Ribosomal L27e protein family - Family D [auth E] PF00467 KOW motif (KOW) KOW motif - Family E [auth F] PF00828 Ribosomal proteins 50S-L15, 50S-L18e, 60S-L27A (Ribosomal_L27A) Ribosomal proteins 50S-L15, 50S-L18e, 60S-L27A This family includes higher eukaryotic ribosomal 60S L27A, archaeal 50S L18e, prokaryotic 50S L15, fungal mitochondrial L10, plant L27A, mitochondrial L15 and chloroplast L18-3 proteins. Domain ZA [auth 0] PF07650 KH domain (KH_2) KH domain Domain ZA [auth 0] PF00189 Ribosomal protein S3, C-terminal domain (Ribosomal_S3_C) Ribosomal protein S3, C-terminal domain This family contains a central domain Pfam:PF00013, hence the amino and carboxyl terminal domains are stored separately. This is a minimal carboxyl-terminal domain. Some are much longer. Domain CB [auth 3] PF01092 Ribosomal protein S6e (Ribosomal_S6e) Ribosomal protein S6e - Family EB [auth 5] PF01201 Ribosomal protein S8e (Ribosomal_S8e) Ribosomal protein S8e - Family GB [auth 7] PF03501 Plectin/S10 domain (S10_plectin) Plectin/S10 domain This presumed domain is found at the N-terminus of some isoforms of the cytoskeletal muscle protein plectin as well as the ribosomal S10 protein. This domain may be involved in RNA binding. Domain LB [auth AC] PF00380 Ribosomal protein S9/S16 (Ribosomal_S9) Ribosomal protein S9/S16 - Family NB [auth AE] PF00416 Ribosomal protein S13/S18 (Ribosomal_S13) Ribosomal protein S13/S18 - Family G [auth H] PF01248 Ribosomal protein L7Ae/L30e/S12e/Gadd45 family (Ribosomal_L7Ae) Ribosomal protein L7Ae/L30e/S12e/Gadd45 family This family includes: Ribosomal L7A from metazoa, Ribosomal L8-A and L8-B from fungi, 30S ribosomal protein HS6 from archaebacteria, 40S ribosomal protein S12 from eukaryotes, Ribosomal protein L30 from eukaryotes and archaebacteria. Gadd45 and MyD11 ... This family includes: Ribosomal L7A from metazoa, Ribosomal L8-A and L8-B from fungi, 30S ribosomal protein HS6 from archaebacteria, 40S ribosomal protein S12 from eukaryotes, Ribosomal protein L30 from eukaryotes and archaebacteria. Gadd45 and MyD118 [1]. Less Domain RB [auth AI] PF00410 Ribosomal protein S8 (Ribosomal_S8) Ribosomal protein S8 Domain AC [auth AR] PF00400 WD domain, G-beta repeat (WD40) WD domain, G-beta repeat - Repeat I [auth J] PF17144 Ribosomal large subunit proteins 60S L5, and 50S L18 (Ribosomal_L5e) Ribosomal large subunit proteins 60S L5, and 50S L18 - Family I [auth J] PF14204 Ribosomal L18 C-terminal region (Ribosomal_L18_c) Ribosomal L18 C-terminal region This domain is the C-terminal end of ribosomal L18/L5 proteins. Domain I [auth J] PF01655 Ribosomal protein L32 (Ribosomal_L32e) Ribosomal protein L32 - Family