
4'-phosphopantetheinyl transferase PptT

UniProtKB accession:  O33336
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Go to UniProtKB:  O33336
UniProtKB description:  Transfers the 4'-phosphopantetheine moiety from coenzyme A to a Ser of acyl-carrier-protein (PubMed:16709676, PubMed:25785780, PubMed:28203522, PubMed:9831524). Involved in post-translational modification of various type-I polyketide synthases required for the formation of both mycolic acids and lipid virulence factors (PubMed:16709676). Acts on Pks13, Mas, PpsA, PpsB, PpsC and PpsD (PubMed:16709676, PubMed:28203522). Also acts on AcpM, the meromycolate extension acyl carrier protein (PubMed:25785780). In addition, is involved in the activation of the acyl carrier protein MbtL and the nonribosomal peptides synthases MbtB and MbtE, which are involved in the biosynthesis of the siderophore mycobactin (PubMed:28203522, PubMed:9831524).
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