
Oxidized purine nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase

UniProtKB accession:  P36639
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UniProtKB description:  Oxidized purine nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase which is a prominent sanitizer of the oxidized nucleotide pool (PubMed:10608900, PubMed:12857738, PubMed:22556419, PubMed:24695224, PubMed:24695225, PubMed:26238318, PubMed:28679043, PubMed:7713500, PubMed:8226881). Catalyzes the hydrolysis of 2-oxo-dATP (2-hydroxy-dATP) into 2-oxo-dAMP (PubMed:10373420). Has also a significant hydrolase activity toward 2-oxo-ATP, 8-oxo-dGTP and 8-oxo-dATP (PubMed:10373420, PubMed:11139615). Through the hydrolysis of oxidized purine nucleoside triphosphates, prevents their incorporation into DNA and the subsequent transversions A:T to C:G and G:C to T:A (PubMed:10373420, PubMed:10608900, PubMed:11756418, PubMed:12857738, PubMed:16607562, PubMed:24695224, PubMed:24695225, PubMed:26999531, PubMed:28035004, PubMed:8226881). Also catalyzes the hydrolysis of methylated purine nucleoside triphosphate preventing their integration into DNA (PubMed:30304478, PubMed:32144205). Through this antimutagenic activity protects cells from oxidative stress (PubMed:10608900, PubMed:12857738, PubMed:24695224, PubMed:24695225, PubMed:30304478, PubMed:32144205, PubMed:7713500, PubMed:8226881).
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