
Alpha-conotoxin ImI

UniProtKB accession:  P50983
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UniProtKB description:  Alpha-conotoxins act on postsynaptic membranes, they bind to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR) and thus inhibit them. This toxin blocks neuronal alpha-3-beta-2/CHRNA3-CHRNB2 (human and rat), alpha-7/CHRNA7 (human and rat), and alpha-3-beta-4/CHRNA3-CHRNB4 (human) nAChRs (PubMed:15609996, PubMed:19131337, PubMed:8206995). Acts voltage-independently (PubMed:15609996). Competes with alpha-bungarotoxin for binding to the receptor (PubMed:12384509, PubMed:15609996). Binds to a different site than alpha-conotoxin ImII (PubMed:15609996). Is highly active against the neuromuscular receptor in frog (PubMed:8206995). Also exhibits inhibition of D.melanogaster alpha-7 nAChRs (PubMed:25466886).
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