
Anillin-related medial ring protein mid1

UniProtKB accession:  P78953
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UniProtKB description:  Scaffold protein that anchors the contractile ring (CR) at the cell equator during cytokinesis (PubMed:10930468, PubMed:12186944, PubMed:16864655, PubMed:17077120, PubMed:17140794, PubMed:19427212, PubMed:19474789, PubMed:22298427, PubMed:22427686, PubMed:22888038, PubMed:22918954, PubMed:23149940, PubMed:25959226, PubMed:28605916, PubMed:8946912, PubMed:9852154). At the onset of mitosis, membrane-bound oligomers of mid1 assemble recruitment platforms for cytokinetic ring components at the medial cortex and stabilize the ring position during its compaction (PubMed:10930468, PubMed:12186944, PubMed:15572668, PubMed:16864655, PubMed:17077120, PubMed:17140794, PubMed:19474789, PubMed:25959226, PubMed:28605916, PubMed:8946912, PubMed:9852154). Recruits dephosphorylated myo2, but also rng2, clp1 and cdc15 to nodes and to place cytokinetic nodes around the cell equator the medial cortex to promote the ring assembly in cooperation with F-actin (PubMed:15184401, PubMed:18378776, PubMed:21376595, PubMed:21376600, PubMed:22918943). Necessary to stabilize the mitotic spindle perpendicular to the axis of cell division (PubMed:15014440). Recruits also the cdr2 kinase to the CR (PubMed:19474789, PubMed:24982431, PubMed:28605916).
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