
F-box/WD repeat-containing protein 7

UniProtKB accession:  Q969H0
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UniProtKB description:  Substrate recognition component of a SCF (SKP1-CUL1-F-box protein) E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase complex which mediates the ubiquitination and subsequent proteasomal degradation of target proteins (PubMed:17434132, PubMed:22748924, PubMed:26976582, PubMed:28727686, PubMed:34741373, PubMed:35395208). Recognizes and binds phosphorylated sites/phosphodegrons within target proteins and thereafter brings them to the SCF complex for ubiquitination (PubMed:17434132, PubMed:22748924, PubMed:26774286, PubMed:26976582, PubMed:28727686, PubMed:34741373). Identified substrates include cyclin-E (CCNE1 or CCNE2), DISC1, JUN, MYC, NOTCH1 released notch intracellular domain (NICD), NFE2L1, NOTCH2, MCL1, MLST8, RICTOR, and probably PSEN1 (PubMed:11565034, PubMed:11585921, PubMed:12354302, PubMed:14739463, PubMed:15103331, PubMed:17558397, PubMed:17873522, PubMed:22608923, PubMed:22748924, PubMed:25775507, PubMed:25897075, PubMed:26976582, PubMed:28007894, PubMed:28727686, PubMed:29149593, PubMed:34102342). Acts as a negative regulator of JNK signaling by binding to phosphorylated JUN and promoting its ubiquitination and subsequent degradation (PubMed:14739463). Involved in bone homeostasis and negative regulation of osteoclast differentiation (PubMed:29149593). Regulates the amplitude of the cyclic expression of hepatic core clock genes and genes involved in lipid and glucose metabolism via ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of their transcriptional repressor NR1D1; CDK1-dependent phosphorylation of NR1D1 is necessary for SCF(FBXW7)-mediated ubiquitination (PubMed:27238018). Also able to promote 'Lys-63'-linked ubiquitination in response to DNA damage (PubMed:26774286). The SCF(FBXW7) complex facilitates double-strand break repair following phosphorylation by ATM: phosphorylation promotes localization to sites of double-strand breaks and 'Lys-63'-linked ubiquitination of phosphorylated XRCC4, enhancing DNA non-homologous end joining (PubMed:26774286).
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