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Register Now for Virtual Crash Course: Exploring Computed Structure Models from Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning at
Learn how to search, visualize, and analyze CSMs alongside experimentally-determined PDB structures using all of the same RCSB PDB features that you know and love on Thursday September 22, 2022 (1:00 - 3:00 pm EDT).
Registration is required for the Zoom meeting information, but attendance is at no charge.
Please sign up at
1:00–1:05 PM
Stephen K. Burley, M.D., D.Phil., Director, RCSB PDB/Rutgers & UCSD
1:05–1:20 PM
What is in a Computed Structure Model? Meet AlphaFold and RoseTTAFold
Brinda Vallat, Ph.D., RCSB PDB/Rutgers
1:20–1:40 PM
How do I find models? Simple Searching Case Study and intro to Structure Summary Pages
Shuchismita Dutta, Ph.D., RCSB PDB/Rutgers
1:40–1:50 PM
Group Summary Pages and 1D-3D
Joan Segura, Ph.D., RCSB PDB/UCSD
1:50–2:10 PM
Advanced Searching
Joan Segura, Ph.D.
2:10–2:25 PM
Confidence Levels in 3D Predictions
Chenghua Shao, Ph.D., RCSB PDB/Rutgers
2:25–2:55 PM
Visualization, Validation, and Alignments
Sebastian Bittrich, Ph.D., RCSB PDB/UCSD
2:55–3:00 PM
Conclusion and Methods for Sending Feedback
Stephen K. Burley, M.D., D.Phil.