Undergrads/Grads: Apply to the Molecule of the Month Boot Camp (January 2023)

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Undergrads/Grads: Apply to the Molecule of the Month Boot Camp (January 2023)

10/07 PDB101 News

Image from Molecule of the Month on "Non-Homologous End Joining Supercomplexes" was written and illustrated by Gabriela Diaz-Figueroa, Michael Egozi, Syeda Jannath and Jasmine Maddy as part of the 2022 boot camp.Image from Molecule of the Month on "Non-Homologous End Joining Supercomplexes" was written and illustrated by Gabriela Diaz-Figueroa, Michael Egozi, Syeda Jannath and Jasmine Maddy as part of the 2022 boot camp.

RCSB PDB and the Rutgers Institute for Quantitative Biomedicine will host a virtual boot camp with a focus on Science Communication in Biology and Medicine. Students will develop writing and 3D molecular visualization skills by collaborating on articles that will be published in the Molecule of the Month series at PDB-101.

The boot camp will run from 9:30am - 4:30pm ET during January 9-13, 2023.

Undergraduates and and graduate students interested in science writing/visualization/communications for biology and medicine should apply to iqb-bootcamp@rcsb.org by November 6 with

  • a brief statement of interest (100 words)
  • resume
  • an unofficial transcript
  • science writing sample (from coursework or a published paper that exemplifies your work)

This boot camp is a 1-credit pass/fail course at Rutgers University. A limited number of scholarships for visiting scholars are available.

Visit the Institute for Quantitative Biomedicine for additional details.

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