Educational Resources for Mobile Devices


Educational Resources for Mobile Devices


Molecule of the Month ePubs.

(Click image to enlarge)
Molecule of the Month ePubs.

PDB-101, the educational view of the RCSB PDB, has enabled special features for mobile devices. 

  • Molecule of the Month ePubs: Every Molecule of the Month article is now available as an downloadable ePub document.  ePubs can be viewed offline in ePub readers on mobile devices (such as iBooks for Apple mobile devices, and Aldiko for Android devices).

To download a Molecule of the Month ePub, click on the link at the top of any feature.
ePub (Electronic Publication) is an open standard for digitally published documents.

  • Interactive Molecular Views: PDB-101 Structure Focus pages, which highlight the PDB entries highlighted in Molecule of the Month articles, feature interactive molecular views.
Users on mobile devices can rotate the molecule about the Y-axis by dragging on the image left and right. For an example, see the Structure Focus on ribonuclease A entry 5rsa.

For more intensive mobile usage, the PDBMobile webapp for Apple mobile devices can be used to quickly access basic structure and citation information from the RCSB PDB servers. PDBMobile users are encouraged to take a brief survey about their experiences with the application.

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