New Website Features and Widgets


New Website Features and Widgets


Want to learn about the latest RCSB PDB tools and developments?  The New Features Widget on the home page scrolls through the latest website applications and improvements.  It also links to descriptions of all recent website releases.  Recent items featured in the widget include improved ligand search options, pre-calculated pairwise structure alignments, and enhancements to viewing query results and tabular reports.

The entire home page is comprised of customizable web widgets. Boxes with a dark blue bar on top are widgets that can be moved on the page by dragging the arrow buttons, hidden by selecting "Hide," or included in a customized view.

The green Customize This Page button in the top right corner lets users select which widgets are displayed by default. To only see query-related options, the Molecule of the Month can be replaced with forms to download files and search by sequence.

Other widgets that can be displayed on the home page include the RCSB PDB Comparison Tool for running pairwise structural and sequence alignments, the ADIT Deposition Widget, and the Featured Molecule Widget which displays the RCSB PDB's Molecule of the Month and the Protein Structure Initiative's Featured Molecule.

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