Latest Website Release


Latest Website Release


New and enhanced features have been added to, including:

* Improved navigation of Molecule of the Month archive: new category views and a new sortable table to view features by category, date and name.

* PDBMobile for the iPhone: search the RCSB PDB, browse results, access MyPDB, and read the latest news and Molecule of the Month features.
PDBMobile is an HTML5-based application for mobile devices. It initially targets iPhone and iPod devices running iOS4. Future releases will target other platforms, including the iPad, Google Android and Windows Phone 7.

* New ways to explore search results using data distribution summaries. Search results now offer summary charts for standard characteristics of PDB entries (resolution, release date, experimental method, polymer type, organism, taxonomy) that can be used to refine search results into subsets of interest. For example, users can use these drill-down options, or 'faceted search' options, to quickly access high resolution entries from a structure type search; human-related entries from a sequence search; or most recent entries resulting from a chemical component search.  Any combination of categories is possible.

* Integration with Binding Affinity Data from BindingDB ( The Ligand Chemical Component widget on a Structure Summary page lists and links to binding affinity data from BindingDB (when available).

* New Help features, including a sitemap and glossary.

For complete descriptions, see the New Features widget on the RCSB PDB home page.

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