Video: Immunology and Cancer


Video: Immunology and Cancer

04/02 PDB101 News

<I>Video still of Primary and secondary signal in T-cell activation</I>Video still of Primary and secondary signal in T-cell activation

Visit PDB-101 to watch a three-part series exploring the cellular and molecular details of the human immune response to cancer.

Part 1 showcases the process of antigen harvesting by dendritic cells and later the T-cell maturation process. Part 2 focuses on T-cell activation and demonstrates the mechanisms by which the immune system destroys the cancer cells. Part 3 focuses on the immune checkpoints--a mechanism by which the immune system terminates the immune response and later describes the immune checkpoint therapies used in cancer treatment.

Key actions in the video are timestamped for easy access; high resolution images and animated GIFs are also available for download.

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