National Protein Modeling Champions


National Protein Modeling Champions


winning team

winning team

The National Science Olympiad Tournament was held May 18-19 at the University of Central Florida.

Teams built a model of MHC 1hsa, and brought along their prebuilt models of caspase protein 1i3o.

The top scoring teams in this event were:

  1. New Trier High School (IL)
  2. Troy High School (CA)
  3. Camas High School (WA)

Protein modeling is managed by the MSOE Center for BioMolecular Modeling and hosted in NJ by the RCSB PDB. This event will be on hiatus from the tournament for two years as other events are incorporated. The RCSB PDB's related twitter feed @buildmodels will continue to post education and PDB-related news and links.

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