Congratulations to 2014 Poster Prize Winners


Congratulations to 2014 Poster Prize Winners


Congratulations to 2014 Poster Prize Winners

Since 2003, the RCSB PDB has awarded a Poster Prize for the best student poster presentations at selected meetings. Recipients receive a related educational book.

In 2014, the prize was awarded to:

  • Kimberly Stanek for Crystal structure and functional characterization of an Hfq homolog from Aquifex aeolicus (Kimberly Stanek, Jennifer Patterson, Peter Randolph, Cameron Mura; University of Virginia) at the American Crystallographic Association's Annual Meeting (May 24-28, Albuquerque, NM).
  • Josephine H. Leung for Transhydrogenase coupling proton translocation and hydride transfer (Josephine H. Leung,1 Lici A. Schurig-Briccio,2 Mutsuo Yamaguchi,1 Arne Moeller,3,4 Jeffrey A. Speir,3 Robert B. Gennis,2 Charles D. Stout1; 1Department of Integrative Structural and Computational Biology, 2University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 3National Resource for Automated Molecular Microscopy, The Scripps Research Institute, 4Current address: Aarhus University) at the General Assembly and Congress of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr; August 5-12; Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
  • Thomas Hoffmann for Structural Analysis and Remodeling of T-Cell Receptors (Thomas Hoffmann and Iris Antes, Technische, Universität München, Germany) at the Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology conference (ISMB; July 12-15; Boston, MA)

Information about all of the prizes awarded is available online.

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