Visit the RCSB PDB at NSTA


Visit the RCSB PDB at NSTA


Visit the RCSB PDB at NSTA.

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Visit the RCSB PDB at NSTA.
NSTA Meeting.

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NSTA Meeting.

From April 11-13, the RCSB PDB will be at the 2013 meeting of the National Science Teachers Association in San Antonio, TX.

Stop by exhibition booth 1544 to meet for demonstrations and PDB-101 materials, including the new flyers What is a Protein? (PDF) and The Structures of the Citric Acid Cycle (PDF).

On Saturday, April 13, we'll host a workshop on Exploring Proteins and Nucleic Acids at the PDB in Convention Center Room 214C at 12pm.

We'll be posting news on Facebook and Twitter throughout the meeting.

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