Beta #11 of the RCSB PDB <i>Mobile</i> Android App is Available


Beta #11 of the RCSB PDB Mobile Android App is Available


Beta version #11 of RCSB PDB <i>Mobile</i> for Android

(Click image to enlarge)
Beta version #11 of RCSB PDB Mobile for Android

(PLEASE NOTE: if you have a previous beta version of the software installed, you must manually uninstall it first via Android settings -> Apps)

Beta #11 of the Android version of RCSB PDB Mobile app is available for download. This will likely be the final beta release before the app becomes available in the Google Play store. Please note the app requirements below, which have changed:

  • The app will only be supported on Android version 4.0 or above, though it may be installed on earlier versions of Android above 2.3.3
  • 35mb storage is required to install the app, and a further 60mb of storage (i.e. SD card or other storage) is required to store the app's internal index
  • This release of the app does not support tablet devices; that support will be implemented in a future update

RCSB PDB Mobile is also available the iPhone/iPod/iPad from the Apple App Store.

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