Find Drugs in the PDB


Find Drugs in the PDB


Two new tables provide access to drug and drug target information from DrugBank that are mapped to PDB entries with each weekly update. These tables, accessed from the Tools menu, can be searched by generic or brand drug name, filtered, and sorted.

The Drugs Bound to Primary Targets Table lists drugs bound to primary target(s), or a homolog of primary target(s), i.e., co-crystal structures of drugs.

Thumbnail of Drugs to PDB ID mapping page

The Primary Drug Targets Table lists primary drug targets in the PDB, regardless if the drug molecule is part of the PDB entry (e.g., apo forms of drug targets, drug target with different bound ligands). Biotherapeutics, such as complexes with monoclonal antibodies, are included

A detailed description of the Drug and Drug Target Mapping page is available.

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