NOTICE: RCSB PDB Deposition Service Interruption


NOTICE: RCSB PDB Deposition Service Interruption


On Tuesday, August 20, 2013, RCSB PDB deposition services (ADIT, Validation Server, pdb-extract, Ligand Expo) and annotation staff email will be down as Rutgers University upgrades the campus power system.  The outage is scheduled to begin at 6:00 a.m. Eastern Time and end early morning on August 21.  

NO NEED TO HOLD OFF ON DEPOSITIONS!  During this period, depositors can take advantage of wwPDB partner relationships and submit new entries with PDBe and PDBj. RCSB PDB 'in progress' depositions will not be accessible during this time.

The RCSB PDB query website ( and help desk ( will not be affected.

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