Mobile Access to RCSB PDB


Mobile Access to RCSB PDB


RCSB PDB has been developing the website with mobile users in mind.

The home page, search results, and other pages were designed to be responsive to the devices that display them. For example, smaller tablets and mobile phones display Structure Summary as a menu option rather than tabs that appear across desktop monitors.

The new NGL viewer can render complex molecular machines in 3D, without any plug-ins, on desktops and mobile devices. NGL also uses the new binary compressed Macromolecular Transmission Format (, which massively reduces network transfer and parsing times.

With the combination of these advances, the experiences is no longer device-specific. The combination of the NGL viewer and mobile-responsive web design at offers fast and comprehensive on-the-go access on mobile devices. As a result, the mobile app will be retired at the end of 2016.

RCSB PDB News ImageTablet view of the faustovirus in NGL.

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