Releasing Structures on Hold for Publication


Releasing Structures on Hold for Publication


Of all PDB structures deposited in 2018, ~88% were submitted with a release status of "hold until publication (HPUB)". Structures with HPUB status are released as part of the weekly update upon confirmation the corresponding article has been published (electronically or in print).

Structure authors should indicate publication using the OneDep Communication Panel. The wwPDB also receives publication dates and citation information directly from a few journals (see wwPDB's Information for Journals). For most articles, however, wwPDB searches PubMed and scans the literature for publication information. Citations emailed by users to are also greatly appreciated.

To be included in the following update, all required author correspondence should be sent to the appropriate wwPDB member by noon Thursday (local time).

Requests received after these cutoff times will be processed during the next update cycle.

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