New Publications in <I>Protein Science</I>


New Publications in Protein Science

01/25 PDB101 News

Cover image shows Neuronal synapse with vesicles and relevant proteins highlighted.Cover image shows Neuronal synapse with vesicles and relevant proteins highlighted.

The latest issue of Protein Science offers A Compilation of Tools for Protein Science and includes

PDB-101: Educational resources supporting molecular explorations through biology and medicine
(2022) Protein Science 31: 129-140 doi: 10.1002/pro.4200

RCSB Protein Data Bank: Celebrating 50 years of the PDB with new tools for understanding and visualizing biological macromolecules in 3D
(2022) Protein Science 31: 187-208 doi: 10.1002/pro.4213

The cover by Maria Voigt includes still images from PDB-101's video on Opioids and Pain Signaling

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