Molecule of the Month Newsletter


Molecule of the Month Newsletter

02/22 PDB101 News

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Created and illustrated by David S. Goodsell (RCSB PDB-Rutgers and The Scripps Research Institute) since January 2000, the Molecule of the Month series tells stories about molecular structure and function, their diverse roles within living cells, and the growing connections between biology and nanotechnology. The growth and popularity of the column led to the development of the PDB-101 educational website. Molecule of the Month content has inspired readers around the world, and is a regular read for students and researchers alike. Columns are so compelling that they have been accessed >1 million times in 2021.

David S. Goodsell, Christine Zardecki, Helen M. Berman, Stephen K. Burley.
(2020) Insights from 20 years of the Molecule of the Month. BAMBed 48: 350-355 doi: 10.1002/bmb.21360

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