Watch PDB50 Celebrations


Watch PDB50 Celebrations

05/24 PDB101 News

In 2021, the PDB community celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the PDB with symposia, materials, and more.In 2021, the PDB community celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the PDB with symposia, materials, and more.

Throughout 2021, RCSB PDB and the wwPDB celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the PDB. Symposia were held (virtually) around the world, highlighting high-impact applications of protein structural data.

Many videos of these presentations are available online: PDB50 meeting hosted by ASBMB in May; the Biophysical Society-hosted symposium in October; and the Protein Data Bank at 50: Accessing, Understanding, and Assessing PDB Data workshops hosted by the Royal Society of Chemistry Chemical Information and Computer Applications Group in November (day 1 and day 2).

Visit for the archive of all PDB50 celebration materials.

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