Poster Prize Awarded at ECM29


Poster Prize Awarded at ECM29


At the 29th European Crystallographic Meeting (Rovinj, Croatia; August 23-28), the RCSB PDB Poster Prize was awarded to Bénédicte Lafumat for Structural basis for sensitivity of fluorescent proteins to molecular oxygen investigated by high-pressure crystallography (Bénédicte Lafumat,1 Antoine Royant,1,2 Eve de Rosny,2 Peter van der Linden,1 Gordon Leonard,1 Philippe Carpentier;1 1European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France, 2Institut de Biologie Structurale, Grenoble, France.

Many thanks to the judges Eleanor Dodson (University of York), Marjolein Thunissen (The MAX IV Laboratory), and Isabel Uson (Molecular Biology Institute of Barcelona), and organizer Biserka Prugovečki.

All 2015 awardees will be listed on the RCSB PDB website and will receive an educational book.

29th European Crystallographic Meeting
Bénédicte Lafumat

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