November 14 is World Diabetes Day


November 14 is World Diabetes Day

11/13 PDB101 News

Glucose is transported through the blood, powering cells throughout the body. However, if the level of glucose gets too high, it can cause the chronic problems associated with diabetes mellitus. Atomic structures have revealed how glucose levels are regulated in the body and are providing new hope for combating the disease.

PDB-101 hosts a variety of related educational materials, including Molecule of the Month features, curricula, and more.

<I>The Insulin and Diabetes poster illustrates how structural biology has revealed the details of insulin signaling and how this knowledge is being used to create new and better treatments for diabetes.  Visit PDB-101 to access this poster and other materials.</I>The Insulin and Diabetes poster illustrates how structural biology has revealed the details of insulin signaling and how this knowledge is being used to create new and better treatments for diabetes. Visit PDB-101 to access this poster and other materials.

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