Nov 18-24: World Antimicrobial Awareness Week


Nov 18-24: World Antimicrobial Awareness Week

11/18 PDB101 News

Since the discovery of penicillin, researchers have developed better and better antibiotics to fight microbial infection. Bacteria, in turn, have evolved more and more effective ways of resisting these drugs: by destroying them, by pumping them out, or by modifying the target of the drug. Atomic structures help us understand resistance to antibiotics and develop new ways to fight infection.

PDB-101 hosts a variety of related materials, including Molecule of the Month features, videos, posters, and more.

<I>Download the Superbugs poster or use the interactive animation to explore the protein structures that medical researchers are utilizing to search for ways to fight superbugs likes MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus).</I>Download the Superbugs poster or use the interactive animation to explore the protein structures that medical researchers are utilizing to search for ways to fight superbugs likes MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus).

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